Mr. X Blind Item
It took awhile, but that wacky religion finally got payback against the now career dead comic thanks to their photographer church member. The comic has long been a SP.
It took awhile, but that wacky religion finally got payback against the now career dead comic thanks to their photographer church member. The comic has long been a SP.
Posted by
ent lawyer
4:45 AM
Labels: blind item , Mr. X
Kathy Griffin?
ReplyDeleteVery outspoken against it and has joked about many members in past routines and intwrviews(Kirstie,Cruise,Travolta etc)
ReplyDeleteKathy Griffin and Shields and $cio
ReplyDeleteKathy Griffin
ReplyDeleteHowever it's new to me that Tyler Shields is $cio.
ReplyDeleteI like Katy Griffin
ReplyDeletei think she has some funny stories in her comedy act.
But, this latest stunt didn't go off as planned.
And, I agree with her that Trump is bullying her because he is a bully.
I also know that he doesn't know how to be President; and I am NOT a fan -- never was. i am hoping & praying there is an impeachment in the House; and a conviction by the Senate.
I do agree with Bloomberg. (You can look up his comments about Don.)
So, if you have nothing better to do today, and you want to invalidate me for this, okay, go ahead. You have my permission.
I don't care.
He is , according to Data Lounge and also uses his photo shoots to cover drug deals with celebs. Also gay/ bi, like many Scientology members.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this, David.
ReplyDeleteOh, really? Nice try, Kathy - own what you do.
ReplyDeleteWow. I feel for Kathy Griffin. I don't think her career deserves to be over because of this. Was it a wise move? No. But honestly everyone is overreacting. She has been fired multiple times for being outlandish and saying offensive things, but 20-30 years ago there wouldn't be this backlash. Everyone is so hypersensitive these days and focused on being PC.
ReplyDeleteHe looks like a creep. ?
ReplyDeleteTell that to Mel Gibson, or the Seinfeld guy who is blacklisted for saying inappropiate stuff, or so many others. The only different thing now is that she is a liberal and they were used to do whatever unpunished.
ReplyDeleteAnd her demise is not because of a photographer, she uploaded the video online and was watched by a lot of people including 10 y/o kids.
F word her.
You're an idiot, there's nothing different about it. All the "liberals" this, "liberals" that, "my dad's bigger than your dad" shit makes you sound like a bunch of 12 year olds. Try something new for a change.
ReplyDeleteYou're not making any sense, moron.
ReplyDeleteAnyhoo, Kathy knew what she was doing and was delighting in the controversy that was coming. Live with it Kathy.
I think it was an unfortunate and tasteless stunt, and not the first time she's crossed a line. However, I'm far more offended by the numerous photos and memes frequently circulated for years by Republicans showing Obama hanging from a noose and worse. I'm far more offended by Trump mocking a disabled reporter in public, encouraging discrimination and violence, talking about grabbing pussy, engaging in treason, and... I could go on and on. I care more about A LOT of other things than this stupid stunt. There have been no repercussions for Trump and supporters. (Yet.) There should be none for Kathy Griffin. Boo hoo Trump and supporters, thin-skinned hypocrites.
ReplyDeleteWhat is meant by "SP" in the blind?
ReplyDeleteHow is Trump bullying her? She released a vile photo of her with his severed bloody head in her hands. A photo of her having decapitated him and HE'S BULLYING HER? Kathy released that photo knowing it would be controversial. She was stupid enough to think everyone would pat her on the back for it. She wanted the attention she so desperately craves. When the response didn't go the way she wanted all of a sudden she's a victim? A victim of her own stupidity.
ReplyDeleteSubversive Person. It's when Scios put you on their $hit list
ReplyDeleteSuppressive Person. Yeah, basically anybody Scios don't like.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. The "president " is far more vile than she could ever be. Not to mention she has selflessly entertained thousands and thousands of troops in the Middle East. Ted Nugent wants to lynch Obama and gets invited to the White House? Hypocrites.
ReplyDeleteShe’s making it worse by blaming everyone else for career being destroyed. Karma. Now Buh Bye.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. No one cares, much better choice than The lying witvh
ReplyDeleteTypical, name-calling liberal. And you people c look aim to be victims of bullying? Deal with it! You lost! Ding dong your witch is gone!
ReplyDeleteYeah, this is not going to do a darn thing to KG, except sell out her shows that much faster and drive her prices a little higher.
ReplyDeleteTrue. Sobbing thru the press conference about white men holding her down was a treasure to watch tho. Extra bonus: Gloria Allred's mini me.
ReplyDeleteAgree "Truth"-you hit the nail on the head!! She put this out there for publicity and controversy and figured she'd be a liberal hero. It's ridiculous for her to cry "victim" because people are criticizing her for going too far. She made her bed.
ReplyDeleteso confused when conservatives and their 'libtard' rants come to gossip sites. shouldnt you be reading the bible and being angry somewhere?
ReplyDeleteget back in your lane, grandpa.
ReplyDeleteyou'll die sooner than all of us. we have more time. you dont. when you and your old ilk are gone, we will continue to clean up the mess you all made.
do us a favor and fertilize the ground while you're in it.
seriously. same old argument over and over again. cant wait for trump to fuck over these old white obeasts with rednecks. they're all killing yourselves anyway :-D
ReplyDeleteits funny about trump and the climate change thing. florida is the #1 example right now of how bad climate change is gonna get. the new yorker wrote an article on the southern most parts of it and how its creating the first 'climate refugees' fleeing their home.
ReplyDeletethe dumb club that voted for trump probably wont live long lives anyway. when you believe delusion over science, you're lucky modernity can save you - youd die in the wild where you would be otherwise.
What did you expect? It's Hollywood, not DC. Industry people are so self-centred and self-serving, you can give them an opportunity to reach out to childless women who would've otherwise feel alienated by Christian groups/parties, and their opportunistic selves will use the opportunity to troll baby momma rumours and get themselves in gossip tabloids. They're so Histrionic, it KILLS them when they can't make it all about them.
ReplyDeleteAll they care about is getting themselves ahead, they don't stop to consider that when they do sleeping couch to get one role, it normalises that behaviour/contributes to building an unsafe work culture for women (it has men thinking ALL women in Hollywood are okay with being grabbed by the pussy).
Indonesia and Brazil should build domes over their rain forests so they don't have to pay for the dirty air America sends their way... What was that Trump said at the NATO thing? Oh, right: PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE, AMERICA.
Thanks for the SP replies. I'm familiar with their techniques (mostly from reading Going Clear) but didn't remember the term.
ReplyDeleteOK. A lot of people offended by Obama hanging pics, both right and left and deservedly so. That being said anonymous internet pics are everywhere. Always some racist or asshole (conservative and liberal) willing to post them. Had a celeb put out a pic of them hanging/lynching Obama they would have been vilified as Griffin has, and rightfully so. Your comparison to this situation is not analogous. There are dozens of examples of people doing something unPC that have their lives and careers ruined and almost always someone on the right. What Griffin did was visual, visceral and intended to be both and in your face. She miscalculated and crossed a line. That being said an error like that on either the left or the right should not necessary ruin your life but when you rely on the public for your livelihood you should think a little before you do something so controversial.
ReplyDeleteKathy Griffin's career is NOT dead. Please, let it not be dead.
ReplyDelete"Old white men" basically racist sexist and ageist in one comment. The left cannot see how ironic this has become. These are all things no one chooses or has control over yet people are allow to demonize and stereotype based in the color you were born with, your gender and age-the very things they are supposedly protesting about!!
ReplyDeleteThis is why the Democratic Party I grew up in is over . The intellectual consistency is missing. A white father and black father in the inner city working longs hours, paying incredibly high rents for low or middle class housing and having physically and educational decrepit schools have a lot more in common than the D.C elite that have the answers for the rest of us uneducated masses. There is an industry in keeping the races apart rather than break down the economic barrriers
I agree it was tasteless and she went too far but Kathy Griffin is talented and funny and she should just go on an extended vacation to Greenland or someplace and for Gid's sake stop crying on TV and playing the victim. Trump has been much more offensive in his own inimitable vile disgusting way. He is a depraved human being, Kathy G. made a poor judgement call, or her writers did. I hope people will forgive and forget after awhile. We need people who can make us laugh.
ReplyDeleteIf you read what I wrote, I condemned her stunt. I'm not a Kathy Griffin apologist. But it pales in comparison to what's gone before. I think my examples of far more egregious behavior are analogous and show that there has been far more offensive behavior coming from the other side, usually without repercussion. Trump has been the leader of the racist birther movement for years. The racist comments, etc., have come from the highest levels of the GOP, also public figures. Trump has put White Supremacist conspiracists in the White House, on the press corps, has encouraged violence at his rallies, etc. And I am just citing the tip of the iceberg. Trump lies daily, hourly, in public, and is trying to silence a free press. Trump wanted the FCC to investigate Colbert. Trump and the GOP constantly create distractions to mitigate awareness and criticism of their corrupt agenda, and use propaganda to manipulate their base. Kathy was stupid to play into his hands. That's her greatest "crime" and I'm sure she realizes it now.
ReplyDeleteKathy is an asshole. Aligning herself with ISIS is Treason. I didn't think this was funny at all.
ReplyDeleteHow would you know? Young people die ALL the time. YOU certainly don't know how much time you have left, nobody does. Hell, you could die next week. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd then Guest could walk over and piss on your grave.
Shouldn't you be trying to pass seventh grade for the 7th time?
ReplyDeleteKathy Griffin made it clear last year that she, an ossified relic from the Jurassic Age, was going to target a then 10-year old boy (Barron) every night in her act and publicly ridicule him. Now THAT is a bully.
ReplyDeleteYou don't even seem to understand anything about the Paris Treaty or how we became involved in it, so don''t even try speaking about it, little boy. Trump withdrawing from it does not change the environmental laws. Obama went around Congress to enter that pact, so it isn't binding, according to the Constitution. Trump cannot change laws by himself, so settle down, Beavis.
ReplyDeleteYes, let it be dead AND BURIED in CONCRETE.
ReplyDeleteWell, Kathy isn't one of them. Hence why she keeps getting fired. Starting with Fashion Police, and continuing on and on.
ReplyDeleteShe's an asshole, yes, but she didn't align herself with ISIS, She is, however, unconscionable and unaccountable. As well as untalented and unfunny. Lots of "un"s.
ReplyDeleteCould not agree with you more Wildguess. Well said.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that some people get crucified, careers ruined (Pee Wee Herman, for example) yet others come out unscathed, including our sick excuse for a president?
I am not a particularly religious person but we should for the future of our planet and humanity. We are not in good hands.
Well that beheading thing was paying Homage to ISIS. Think about some right wing nut doing this to Obama. How many people would think that was "funny". The fact that the Church of Satan condemned her says it all....
ReplyDeleteThis isn't funny at all. It's about as funny as a Noose.
ReplyDeleteI would like to know what old white man forced her at gunpoint to do the stupidest thing of her career. Her own mother thinks she's a dick.
ReplyDeleteAs usual Police Dog, you are astoundingly ignorant and hypocritical. Do you really believe ALL conservatives are religious? Do you really believe there is any group of people in which every member of that group is a carbon copy of the others? And YOU are always angry, so what the fuck are you on about?? Educate yourself instead of embarrassing yourself FFS.
ReplyDeleteMy god you really are a stupid bitch and perhaps THE most annoying person on this board. If you're not droning on and on about your pathetic self, you're spouting utter ignorance. America pays its own as well as a huge chunk of EVERYONE'S SHARE, which is why they're freaking out about the gravy train coming to an end. As for who's polluting, try looking a little closer to YOUR home... China and India are not required to adhere to global standards for years to come per the bloody Paris Agreement. NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT THAT WHICH YOU KNOW NOTHING.
ReplyDeleteShut it said it best.
ReplyDeleteMy father and many church friends hated the year I voted Obama but when the kkk leader did a mock hanging you better believe there was angry conservatives. The defense of, " They did it with Obama."... isn't a justification. Because a hand full of right wing nuts, kkk leaders and a 1crazy celebrity Showed terrorist behavior she's within the right? And not touchable? Then you have celebrities calling it as no big deal it should tell you the left is losing decency. As far as trump family... You can't get mad at family members talking up for family. And it's against the law to rally for the presidents beheading. That lawyer put a nail in her coffin. You should never measure up against a kkk leader or a rapper that was booked for murder. Just stupidity. I was telling people on Facebook we should forgive her but watching the news conference I don't think she's sorry.
Japan is one of the richest countries now. America has fallen to 13.
ReplyDeleteFrance is righ behind us. But... they are smaller and have less debt and lower poverty. So American should stop giving to richer countries. I don't agree with everything Trump has done but he did do what's best for us in this situation. A basic economic class would teach that.
David, voted your comment up.
ReplyDeleteNot only did he withdraw, but he's on a mission to gut environmental regulations in our country. He's not doing what's best for our country, he's doing what's best for his and his cronies' wallets. Period. Simple. Obvious. Follow the money.
ReplyDeleteHey Shaw, the Carttels have been beheading people for years. Your comparison is hilarious. She is a comic, not a bomb carrying religous nut job, she was trying to be edgy and it backfired. Just like all those artists that pee on our religous icons and call it art.
ReplyDeleteSd, exactly.
ReplyDeleteThis is exactly what she wanted...PUBLICITY....hello! She had to get the media talking about her. This was contrived by HER! Nothing to do with that crazy CULT.
ReplyDeleteAs a conservative atheist, I'm glad to see the blanket stereotypes are alive and will in this discussion thread. Well done.
ReplyDeletealive and well*
ReplyDeleteI disagree and guess we will need to just leave it at 'I think you are in your bubble' and you can think I'm in mine.
ReplyDeleteTrump invited ted Nugent to the Whit House. The same Ted Nugent who threatened to kill both Obama and Clinton and called for conservatives to decapitate Democrats. Seems to me the far right nutjobs are being normalized.
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