Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 30, 2017

If you are blonde and look pretty darn close to this A+ list mostly movie actress with multiple Academy Award wins/nominations, than you have a pretty good shot at hooking up with this A- list mostly television actor with a hit almost television show. He had his heart crushed by the actress so loves dating women who look like her.

Aziz Ansari/Jennifer Lawrence


  1. Paige3:52 AM

    Breaking news: dude likes pretty blonde girl with personality.

  2. Meg00m4:27 AM

    I still say she missed out. Seems like a nice dude...& funny!

  3. I said before that JLaw "dates" men who gives her a chance at another Oscar win.
    Sorry, Aziz. You're out!

  4. ParkerInTheShade5:01 AM

    Im not sure why we are still talking about this years later.

  5. Hot Cola9:01 AM

    Creep. Creepy Creep.

  6. Wildguess10:45 AM

    If true, how pathetic. Any lookalike who dates him, knowing this, is a fool. And he's a fool to chase an image of the-one-who-got-away. Very shallow.

  7. Stop being a little bitch and get over it already.

  8. Count2:22 PM

    It's too bad he doesn't know that blondes are stupid and redheads are crazy.

  9. I get a bit of a 'nice-guy', harping, feeling entitled, friend-zoney kind of vibe from him. Just because you're non-threatening and you worship her doesn't entitle you to Jennifer Lawrence, Aziz. Sick of hearing about it.

  10. Is there food at this event?
    *trips on step*
    *trips again*
