Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 20, 2017

To make sure he can continue using drugs even when he is out of the country, this A list mostly movie actor sends an assistant to the country four or five days ahead of time with the product. Then, if they are busted, he would send another. No one has been busted yet.

Johnny Depp


  1. sandybrook3:33 AM

    Of course he wouldn't know any international dealers that could hook him up😣

  2. So, to all the want to be Movie Star Assistants!
    Such employment could result in you spending a lot of time in a foreign country's jail just so Mr Depp will be able to maintain his narcotic high!

  3. Whoever it is (I think Depp) is an ass and the assistants are idiots for doing it.

  4. Same Houston4:31 AM

    So. He went from playing Keith Richards in Pirates of the Caribbean to trying to be Keith Richards? Not wise, Johnny. There's only one Keith. You're not him.

  5. Do Tell4:49 AM

    Such a selfserving asshole.

  6. Allison5:09 AM

    These assistants are idiots. Why would you risk jail for this asshole? Some countries you can get a death sentence if caught with drugs. I wonder what Amber found attractive about this creep?

  7. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob5:16 AM

    Woman beater, vicious junkie, and mistreating assistants. After his President Trump rant, liberals must adore him because he is what they want to be.

  8. Renshaw6:03 AM

    That last question. Here's a hint...Elon.

  9. Renshaw6:05 AM

    That last blind on him and Winona, the unstoppable drug use, wining, Australia still won't let the dog thing do, he's been in the news way too much. I have a bad feeling about him.

  10. I like how everybody here pretends Hollywood and its people have all these morals and values.

  11. SnarkIsFun6:53 AM

    Is that why he brought his dogs (illegally) into Australia? Was he hiding drugs somewhere on them?

  12. syvyn118:18 AM

    When one of these assistants gets pinched, they'll roll over on Depp faster than Rosie O'Donnell can do a triple somersault to the front of the line of the All You Can Eat Buffet!

  13. Dannette8:24 AM

    No, everybody here knows they don't

  14. Dannette8:25 AM

    You kid, right?

  15. Hortensia9:33 AM

    No, we just like the Trump rant. Go Johnny!

  16. You must be new here.

  17. Theodore Huxtible10:34 AM

    That could be the reason AMBER brought the dogs illegally - her drug use. She was charged , not him.

  18. Scandi Sanskrit10:43 AM

    I dislike Trump as much as anyone else here, but I wouldn't endorse someone who talks about assasinating presidents. It's so juvenile.

  19. police dog10:51 AM

    read the court documents, dumb bitch. you're wrong as hell.

  20. police dog10:51 AM

    if its him dying,

    you mean a good feeling about him?

  21. police dog10:52 AM

    hope he ODs and dies

    he let river die, now its his time.

  22. Allison11:17 AM

    He's way worse than Trump. Trump never beat anyone or let someone die on the sidewalk outside his hotels. Trump just talks shit.

  23. Allison11:18 AM

    It's Psychotic really. I have never felt that way about a president no matter how much I disliked them.

  24. Dumb bitch, seriously? You ugly.

  25. Having a bad day, police dog, or are you naturally a miserable person? Ruh-roh!

  26. At least Depp isn't running an entire country into the muck and mire of hell.

  27. I would never risk being arrested for any employer! He's got issues!

  28. Exactly. This story is absolute BS.

    No celebs (nor their entourage!) travel with drugs. With, perhaps, the exception of some retarded hip-hop thugs, before they learn the drill.

    Maybe a little pot or coke on the way over, in the private jet, but no one is stupid enough to go through Customs with drugs on them. Having an assistant bring in drugs is just as bad as carrying your own, as the assistant will rat out the celeb immediately upon getting caught.

    They ALL have local dealer hook-ups in different countries. One phone call upon arrival and they get any and all drugs they want.

  29. This story is BS. They don't ever travel internationally with drugs. EVER.

    They source it locally upon arrival. Much, much easier.

  30. Look, our biosecurity laws mean something. We are an island. He just fucking decided the rules didn't apply to him and did what he felt like doing. Anyone else would have had the dogs impounded. Why the hell should we let it go? I hope he never comes back to Australia again, the fucking derro. That's slang for gutter trash.

  31. Speaking as a liberal, I'd be quite happy for him to assassinate Trump as it would take two shitheads out of the equation.

  32. It only gives fuel to the fire of those ranty right-wing nutjobs who thinks protesting xenophobia, sexism and homophobia, being for unions and workers' rights and wanting a fair go for the common man and woman is akin to "rabble and violence." Agree, it's juvenile and pointless because the problem is much, much larger than one man, even if it is Trump. We'd be in a much worse position if Trump got assassinated by a lefty. I take back what I said above.

  33. SComey2:11 PM

    I call b.s. know someone close to him and he treats his people quite well.

  34. SComey2:17 PM

    So you know anyone who works for him? Doesn't seem like it.
