Friday, June 23, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 16, 2017

She was the highest paid yachter ever and I told you this before. Now, it is all coming out just how much this foreign born A list model was earning for yachting. I knew it was the high six figures per stay, but even I didn’t know it reached seven figures. That is mind blowing.

MIranda Kerr


  1. StarJones2:43 AM


  2. Regina2:46 AM

    She must really put out or know some tricks because as far as models go, I don't think she is the best looking out there. What does she do to justify the $$$?

  3. longtimereader2:51 AM

    For that kinda money i think i would consider yachting, is there a market for middle aged englishmen?

  4. sandybrook2:51 AM

    I'm curious, just how does information like this come out? It's not publically disclosed like a stock offering is it? Or does she buy advertising in Bani's book listing her price and what she's willing to do for it?

  5. Joe Mama2:58 AM

    I have met her in person. If I had the kind of cash, I would pay it. She is hot! (I am wondering if she has the herpes though from Orlando)

  6. No way this is true. She has millions in the bank. She doesn't need to do shit like this.

    The Playboy Playmates do it, sure, but they also don't have the amazingly lucrative contracts the top models have. There is no way someone like Miranda would risk a fancy cosmetics endorsement deal for some Saudi prince's yacht vacation.

  7. Renshaw3:01 AM

    She passed the baton to the Emily chick who needs it. What I don't get is why Miranda with her millions and what she is probably getting from ex would compel her to do it. I guess enough is enough when you bag yourself a billionaire.

  8. Bull. Shit.

  9. Marianne3:17 AM

    My ex mother in law who had 11 wealthy husbands during my 20 year relationship with my ex husband, once said you have to give them something they've never had before. And eww 😷 I shouldn't have asked but yep it worked.

  10. Marianne3:18 AM

    Lol you never know ask enty for Bani's number.

  11. But after Orlando, she has only dated and married billionaires.

  12. JustReading4:20 AM

    Seriously. What body/face is worth that amount of money on a rental basis? Even worse - what kind of man is stupid/horrible/shy/broken enough to PAY that much to rent a woman? Whoever they are, they'll never get one for free because they've revealed how stupid/horrible/shy/broken they are. Ick & ewww.

  13. James5:24 AM

    I hope she gets test regularly for STDs if she's yachting it wouldn't surprise me.if she did it on the down low

  14. texasrose5:44 AM

    You think the staff's, buddy's, and acct's of these billionaires don't know about stuff like this? I'm only surprised that, while it appears to be common knowledge on gossip sites, none of these people haven't written a book or done a real interview about this. Not everyone has confidentiality agreements.

  15. Melissa6:05 AM

    Good for her. If it I true.
    1 of those nights and she is set for life.
    She comes across as clean, healthy and she genuinely smiles a lot.
    And at the end of the day she is a grown adult and these yacht men are too.
    Women MARRY men for a lot less, let's be real.

  16. Guesser6:27 AM

    Probably more than you think

  17. Hortensia7:04 AM

    You mean, she was doing the blowing.

  18. Swanky Bubbles7:23 AM

    Who/What is Bani?

  19. Paige7:31 AM

    This came out because she was paid in gifts by a Malaysian businessman who paid with gifts with stolen funds. Leonardo DiCaprio also had to return gifts from the same person.

  20. Swanky Bubbles7:43 AM

    Money is not the answer to everything. She might be doing it for the thrill. She might be a freak. She may have low self esteem and feels she deserves/needs the perverse treatment.

    As an aside there are a ton of well heeled folks that are into depravity and S&M. One famous billionaire loves to have women take a dump on him.

  21. The dominatrix factor.
    Fantastic reveal.

  22. Very often hear Miranda Kerr is a dominatrix so this makes sense

  23. Another French al7:47 AM

    For that kind of money , I am willing to yatch also. My forte is to read bedtime stories.No I don't do cosplay.

  24. Ms_wonderland7:47 AM

    Yes she was given jewellery worth over $1million while on a 'yachting holiday' with a guy who was using money from a Malaysian government investment fund. He also gave her one of the biggest diamonds in the world as a Valentine's present. Made me smile when I read it.

  25. Ms_wonderland7:53 AM

    The fund is the 1MDB fund. The Guardian (UK) has a good article.

  26. police dog8:07 AM

    lol ok barbara

  27. police dog8:08 AM

    so thats your husband on the yacht then

  28. texasrose8:10 AM

    Bani is enty's name for a fixer or pimp that hooks up celebs with rich men in the yachting world (although not just on yachts anymore.)

  29. texasrose8:11 AM

    Not generic- Bani is a person.

  30. sandybrook9:57 AM

    Yes Bani is almost like the yacht girls pimp or PR aggent

  31. sandybrook9:59 AM

    I suspend reality thinking here and common sense.

  32. Sharlane10:16 AM

    I guess it pays to have such an enduring baby face coupled with the bod of a VS model. SHe's stunning for sure but it does creep me out a bit that the most successful yachter of all time also has the face of a 9 year old...

  33. Scandi Sanskrit11:07 AM

    Why did you smile, though?

  34. LOL How do you suppose she got those millions? VS doesn't pay as much as all that and she isn't an Angel anymore anyway. Endorsements are few and far between.Girl's got expensive tastes, and she knows how to make a buck.

  35. So, in summary, prostitution is A-OK!

  36. Brooklyn Girl1:33 PM

    I don't see the attraction with this girl.
    Does she have a diamond studded vagina?

  37. Random1014:30 PM

    Errr.... have gave her several diamonds - large ones- that totaled up to US$ 10 million!! not ONE million. You missed a zero there :D

  38. Random1014:37 PM

    Yeah, totally messed up!!

  39. Random1014:45 PM

    I think that would hurt HAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHA
    Diamonds one of the hardest substance on this planet- doubt any man would let his most prized asset near it
    You will have to come up with a better analogy!!! :D

  40. Ici_Paris9:26 PM

    it is the real reason why Victoria's Secret bosses fired her (sorry "released her from her contract"), they were scared of the potential scandal (+ she was a diva and most girls (+staff) couldn't stand her : the fact she's never seen at events or private parties anymore with most of them says it all). VS is very sensitive about their Angels' reputations, usually the models who go yachting don't end up getting their wings (even to this day), but Kerr started her high level yachting long after she got her wings, that's why the price was very high (= she was very famous for a model a few years ago & for being Orlando's ex)

  41. Do tell10:16 PM

    Donald trump? I know Putin has blackmail evidence of drumpt getting pissed on by whores.

  42. She looks like human Bratz doll.

  43. so why is she marrying the wimpy little virgin billionaire? How much money does one person need?

  44. because the people who can pay do so for the fact they can later brag about it to their friends. Miranda Kerr? Yeah I've had her. When you get to that level of wealth, Lamborghinis don't impress anymore, the thrill is gone

  45. The Red Granite scandal is taking a bunch of Celebs down with it.
