Monday, June 19, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 11, 2017

There was talk earlier this year of killing off this foreign born A-/B+ list mostly television actress from this meh ABC show. No one really likes her. But, since the show was doing poorly anyway they figured what was the point of going through all the headlines if the show was going to be canceled anyway. It is still on the bubble.

Priyanka Chopra


  1. So, Enty, are you implying Priyanka Chopra slept with some network executive to keep the show on the air?

  2. They should have killed her off. It was completely unbelievable in season 2 that they made the same people integral to stopping a terrorist plot that was unrelated to the events of season 1. Most of the agents barely had any experience, yet the fate of the nation was entrusted to them, and only them? OK, sure. Priyanka's character is a total Mary Sue and to go into season 3 with her is eye-rolling. Killing her off is part of a reset that the show needs, not that it'll go past one more season anyway.

  3. Bobbi Newhart4:01 AM

    How did you get that from the blind?!

  4. Cherry4:10 AM

    That was my big beef with the show. In season one, six months after they graduate as FBI rookies, they are in charge of a terrorist investigation? And then the next season they are in CIA school and then in charge of another major investigation? Fucking ridiculous concept.

  5. Megley6:27 AM

    "Fucking ridiculous concept" unless it's Archer. It works in animation, but that's it.

  6. Enty certainly has it out for Miss C.

  7. Jabroni3:14 AM

    I Sher Woodn't imply that!
