Saturday, June 17, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 11, 2017

The producers of this A list reboot are having some serious second thoughts about the money they paid this A list singer. It has got to the point where they are looking for a way out of the contract because they are worried she is going to crash and burn in a very public way.

Katy Perry/American Idol


  1. Paige3:09 AM

    Justified case of buyers remorse. It's already started. Bashing award shows. Not a far leap for her to bash a reality show.

  2. Renshaw4:23 AM

    WTF were they thinking. She was showing the crazy before the contract. $25M? No wonder Ryan is losing his sh$t. Should have gone with J. Hudson.

  3. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob4:30 AM

    If SHE is going to crash and burn, but the show goes fine, it would be worthy of watching.

  4. Disney should just make her take a piss test. They would have to included such provisions in the contract.

  5. Joel Theriot5:56 AM

    What is interesting is that they had to know what was up with her. Yet still hired her.

  6. Think she really needs rehab but with a brand-new album out, that ain't gonna happen anytime soon.

  7. Squirrel lives matter9:22 AM

    The show is going to fail regardless. The public is sick of this show. It went off the air for a reason. Whoever thought it was a good idea to bring it back should have a lobotomy.

  8. Not to mention it's just an elaborate way of producing popstars they don't have to pay any royalties to.

  9. Why did the producers want her? Being A list doesn't mean she'll be a good judge. Simon Cowell was awesome. They need successful producers or something different. Get some new blood in there to give the show a chance. It will bomb big time with her heading it. Snooze!

  10. Very good point. She's opposite everything Disney supposedly stands for. A mess!!
