Sunday, June 11, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 2, 2017

Probably should have used a less noticeable way to to do this, but this A- list mostly television actress with two hit shows under the same entertainment umbrella deposited $100K into her boyfriend’s bank account earlier this week. They went to the bank together and he deposited the $100K check from her into his account.

Ariel Winter


  1. Phyllis Whitweed3:10 AM

    Well that's dumb of Ariel, obviously. But now her just as dumb boyfriend will have to pay taxes on the whole sum.

  2. Guesser3:19 AM

    They are new at this, you give the freeloader a credit card, not only a tax advantage,, but when you break up, you cut it off. or spy on him/her.

  3. "Fools and their money soon part!"

  4. She has to learn these things for herself, give it a few years, she'll wise up.

  5. Squirrel lives matter8:25 AM

    In a few years she'll be a fat drug addict and will need that $100k back to pay for rehab.

  6. BitchieMitchie9:25 AM

    Thank you! Exactly-amateur!

  7. Mary Rose Stonehouse11:06 AM

    She's following in Kylie Jenner's footsteps!
