Monday, June 19, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 12, 2017

If you hire this former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort for the night, spend your time with her at a hotel. Also, you should be aware that if you fall asleep or take a shower, everything you brought with you, may in fact be stolen by her.

Lindsay Lohan


  1. sandybrook2:02 AM

    And her STDs will be spread throughout your genitals.

  2. As a man/client, why would you choose Lindsay? There have to better options, women who are more beautiful, more interesting, better in bed, who won't steal from you... i could go on.


  3. Blinky2:30 AM

    I've noticed we are starting to get more and more Lohan blinds. Why?

  4. sandybrook2:31 AM

    Because she's famous.

  5. If true, I think Lindsey has metal problems that desperately need to be address.
    (Now, before trolling me for this, I've never met her.
    Nor have I had any contact with anyone who does know her.
    I'm just on the outside looking in -- in the observing participant mode.)
    So, whatever happens to her, I do wish her the best.


  6. Guy falls for Lohan. Gives her a engagement emerald. She leaves and so does her ring finger with the ring. Oopsey. The the same guy files suit in London with a list of everything including the Rolex that she took when she left. She returned the property under court supervision. Some guys are stubborn that way.

  7. Is she though? She used to be, but nowadays? She's famous for being a wreck.

    I get the bragging rights mentality, but is booking Lindsay really something to brag about?

  8. Dina L.3:06 AM

    So, what was the real story behind her almost losing her finger? Was someone giving giving her a warning about her klepto ways?

  9. JustReading4:12 AM

    IIRC, she'd balked at returning it.

  10. Dumblesnore4:14 AM

    Hey, I wouldn't expect anything else from a prostitute. Any purchaser who does gets what they have coming.

  11. Jessica4:20 AM

    She was known to do this at parties at people's homes when she was still an actress, over 10 years ago now. You'd think ppl would know by now, do not invite her to your home or hotel.

  12. Megley6:32 AM

    She had plans for that ring.

  13. Megley6:36 AM

    Conversely, have you seen Dinner For Schmucks? Maybe it's a race to see who can do the worst women in the world. SEE: Casey Anthony. Rumors are she supports herself this way. (Insert adjective of your choice) men want to do her.

  14. Melissa6:53 AM

    Tisk, Tisk, Tisk....A REAL call girl who is good at her game knows this shit gets you NOWHERE fast and that by respecting a John and being a nice person, you then have a repeat client which is worth more than gold. A working girl is supported by a small ring of regular clients, a working girl without that is a desperate whore.
    That's Lindsay, she is not a real working girl.
    I have been in the game oh shit lets see...13 years now :)

  15. Fairylights7:23 AM

    The adrenaline rush of a near death experience? Considering the amount of nastiness and germs that must be floating around her body, you take your life in your hands approaching her.

  16. enty has a picture of her "injured finger": right hand, "bird"finger, not the "engagement" finger...

  17. she's the one who has seaside vacation 24/7 & looks like she works 24/7 as coal (gold?) miner...

  18. SnarkIsFun8:06 AM

    So how is this a blind, when it's common knowledge? Or is this supposed to be a public service announcement/warning?

  19. Squirrel lives matter8:41 AM

    It's amazing that anyone feels sorry for this dumb Hobag. What's next, will you feel sorry for Michelle Carter? Neither one are suffering from anything other than a lack of a conscience.

  20. Samantha8:48 AM

    Maybe you're thinking of Victoria Silvstedt?

  21. Samantha9:27 AM

    I think it's something slightly different - I think it is "do the worst" to the "worst women." There is a class of people - men and women - who only want to degrade and debase and humiliate others just because they can. We've heard the stories of what Lilo has supposedly done, what she supposedly will do. There will always be somebody with the money or the power to test the limits. And most people see Lilo as trash - less than a person. Who cares if you use a subhuman like a toilet? She said yes, she got paid. That's the type of person, IMO, who would hire Lilo.

  22. AyyPapi12:44 PM

    This blind was written a day after the Daily Mail said that Lindsay had given her ex some jewellery back.. It's mostly Enty adding his own twist to a tabloid story.

  23. Dr. Phil3:36 PM

    Lindsay Lohan does not have mental problems. Why can't people see she's just a sociopath? I swear the stupidity of some people is mind boggling. Maybe you folks should go watch reruns of the Sopranos to get a clue.
