Monday, June 12, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Mr. X

June 4, 2017

This late night cable talk show host is using the events of this past week to try and insert himself in as host of this annual program. He wants to do it solo.

Andy Cohen/CNN New Year's Eve


  1. pudlucker1:26 AM

    Hmm. Improvement from KG but not exciting enough to watch.

  2. Kathy Griff1:56 AM

    His personality isn't THAT exciting.

  3. Kathy Griff1:56 AM

    She's a hell of alot funnier than he is.

  4. sandybrook2:12 AM

    Anderson Cooper isn't giving that night up, even to his bff (assuming they still are).

  5. AMartel3:30 AM

    Who watches this show anyway? It's New Years' eve - you're either out partying or you're home partying or you're already passed out. Watching other people party on tv is just so sad. Maybe Andy Cohen would be perfect for such a demographic.

  6. Oh, I hope not. Mr. Cohen is vapid.

  7. Nooooooooo. If this happens there goes my viewership. The man is a walking ball of tacky and gross.

  8. His personality sucks! He seems to be nothing more than a narrow-minded whiner in need of a safe space. Not at all interesting. Predictable.

  9. anndie5:11 PM

    He'd bring the kartrashians on as guests commentators.
