Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Blind Item #9

This A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner is laundering money through a bunch of dollar stores from his pot farm sales.


  1. MontanaMarriott3:49 AM


  2. MontanaMarriott3:50 AM

    I forgot the other pot head is McCaugnahy (sp)?

  3. sandybrook3:51 AM

    Leo needs to launder money and I wonder if Depp has a pot farm someplace?

  4. MontanaMarriott3:53 AM

    Sorry only saw "pot" not "AA Winner"

  5. Guesser4:10 AM

    So why doesn't he do it legal? Maybe other reasons to launder money, like Leo. trying to avoid taxes.

  6. casting girl6:01 AM

    Isn't it true banks won''t take deposits from pot dispenseries or farms?

  7. Ancient Queen6:59 AM

    Laundering money through the Dollar Store? That's going to take a while.

  8. Patrick7:03 AM

    There are Dollar stores not affiliated with the branded dollar stores. Here in the south they are the equivalent of the bodegas in NYC. If you owned such a store, it would be a great way to launder money. They are cash businesses (not entirely, but enough) to slide in your extra money.

  9. Guesser8:14 AM

    Actually, businesses that deal mostly cash with small purchases, like a dollar store or pizza parlor, are the best for laundering money.

  10. Sadie8:24 AM

    McConaughey? Though he's probably about to be a billionaire. He and Madonna are the major investors in the coconut water company Pepsi wants to buy for a fortune and he's a major shareholder of Whole Foods. Don't think he needs the money. Maybe he runs it with his pals Woody and Willie?

  11. Sadie8:24 AM

    or buying condominiums from Donald Trump...

  12. Hortensia11:39 AM

    I see Kellyanne presses the thumbs down button a lot. So that's what your job is reduced to?

  13. Jesus Juggs12:13 PM

    Since Marijuana is a Federal Offense and banks have to follow Federal regs, that is correct. Pot dispensaries don't have bank accounts.

  14. Jesus Juggs12:14 PM

    The last blind said the money was being laundered through video stores.

  15. Mahalia12:47 PM

    the pot farm portion makes me think of Charlie Hunnam who very recently talked about the fact that he used to grow to sell to clinics. But he doesn't have an Oscar...

  16. vodianova1:28 PM

    Leo was the first person who came to mind. He's involved in that Malaysian money scandal as well. Just generally speaking, nobody as big as he is could be as squeaky clean as his public image suggests.
