Thursday, June 22, 2017

Blind Item #3

Did she not know she was going to be a beard? I can't think of another reason the closeted foreign born former boy bander split with her. Maybe the whole no labels thing makes him think he doesn't need to any longer.


  1. Tricia1312:01 AM


  2. Tricia1312:02 AM

    And Tess Ward

  3. +1 on Harry - but bad timing to include him in a post. Step father just passed. Doesn't need a friend (cause I don't think he is reading) telling him the net is talking about him again now.

  4. mariaj12:26 AM

    i wanna hope whoever friend he has isn't spending time on internet while his friend is mourning the death of his stepfather?

  5. She was embarrassing and milked the attention too much, they ditched her as soon as they could, he didn't even bother taking her to the weddings he's recently attended. Plus, he didn't want to walk the movie red carpet with her.

  6. It looks like she was a trash person idk he likes to please his fans maybe that's why

  7. sandybrook2:35 AM

    Zayn and Gigi Hadid broke up yesterday I believe (right spot this time)

  8. longtimereader2:49 AM

    He didn't co-operate during the swift bearding which is why they broke off early and still don't like each other. Plus all that money spent on promo of the solo record and they are not exactly seeing timberlake/sheeran record sales, oh dear. Reality TV in a few years...

  9. Annalise6:15 AM

    Sony and Harry should've gone the out and proud route. He's lost alot of fans with all the het baiting in Rolling Stone and the like. Beards and bearding are not respected or liked by millennials.

  10. Renshaw7:09 AM

    News to me. He never pinged for me. I'm broke apparently.

  11. Renshaw7:11 AM

    Wait up. I'm a little confused about these blinds.

  12. Celia8:41 AM

    Renshaw, are you Zayn himself or work pr for Gigi hadid? You're spinning too hard baby, relax.

  13. police dog10:21 AM

    yep. we have good BS detection that the olds running this corporate bearding shit they got away with for decades a get a new business plan suits, otherwise....shits gonna hit the fan for you

  14. Sarah4:44 AM

    I do not think this applies to Zayn and Gigi because they had been together long enough that Gigi would have known and accepted her status as a beard. This probably applies to Harry Styles and Tess Ward. Plus Harry has publicly stated that he won't label his sexuality, and I don't recall Zayn doing that.

  15. Julian Asswish7:04 AM

    Harry and Tess? The pattern followed practically every gf Harry has ever had apart from gay Kendall who doesn't count - minimal real contact, fantasy linkage played out on social media with hats and song lyrics to keep fans buzzin.

    It was a strange 'breakup' story, as appeared in The Sun, because as apparently 'devastated' as we are told Tess is, and as 'into Harry' as we are led to believe, it apparently still hasn't stopped her dumping Harry and sleeping with her ex, all whilst Harry is dealing with the death of his stepfather Robin. Does that lot sound likely, or realistic, for such a couple in love? The other excuse being peddled is the fans broke them up via internet harrassment butof nutty fans make you fall out of love? Nope, Tess was bearding IMO, and the choice of contract yet again didn't work out (like Taylor, which ended early too).
