Monday, June 12, 2017

Blind Item #12

One drink, already ordered and ready for them when they arrived. This A list celebrity/mogul/host allotted 15 minutes to pap photos to try and convince the world he is straight. He doesn't even know what to do and his beard had to put on the 15 minute show to make it look even halfway real.


  1. sandybrook4:46 AM

    Seacrest and Shayna

  2. Yep... They are all over TMZ, Daily Mail... etc. today trying to look... like they're dating? just hanging out? Ordering clothes from JCrew online? I dunno boring... as fuck.

  3. sandybrook5:08 AM

    I thought I read somewhere over the weekend that he said he thinks this is the one and he's ready to settle down?

  4. Do Tell5:38 AM

    Good lord. The man is an ostrich. A big gay ostrich.

  5. TMZ and Harvey Levin are pathetic promoting this closet case Ryan Seacrest. Most people with common sense know Ryan is a coward.

  6. Squirrel lives matter8:24 AM


  7. Mop top8:52 AM

    I mean, seriously, nobody cares.

  8. RenShaw11:33 AM

    Him again? How is this a blind.

  9. Hot Farts12:43 PM

    Seacrest OUT!

  10. Jimbo1:27 PM

    Can we stop hearing about this loser already? Jeez

  11. Wildguess1:45 PM

    Unfortunately, coming out can still sideline some careers, and it's sad when celebs, or anyone, feel the need to deny their true selves. I try to respect their choices, unless it's someone like a gay-bashing congressperson or someone akin to that. However, staged romances, although common in Hollywood, are a disappointing byproduct.

  12. That's hilarious, he's ready to settle down with a permanent mean wife.

  13. Moonlight Gypsy3:52 PM

    Why do we care if he's in the closet? I love all types of people and I also respect their right to privacy. No one should be outed. Let him decide what's best for him. I hope he knows he will be loved and embraced if he decides to come out. And if he really wants to win our love and affection he will cancel all those horrid E shows.

  14. say what9:53 PM

    Can I get an AMEN?! ^^^

  15. longtimereader2:45 AM

    Yup, everyone here can see it but middle america can't so on with the beards.
