Thursday, June 22, 2017

Blind Item #11

Ahh, nothing like watching a permanent A list singer so drunk she can barely put together a performance for people who paid big money.


  1. sandybrook4:31 AM


  2. Alcohol5:14 AM

    She was blitzed on New Year's Eve infront of millions of viewers. What do people expect at this point?

  3. JustReading5:25 AM

    Whoever still buys tickets to watch her drunk ass stuffed into Discount Ho Sto clothes, forgetting the words to lip sync deserves what they get. Yeah you, Lambs.

  4. Patreeki6:25 AM

    Reading about how Mariah's cameo got cut from Will Ferrell's new film was bizarre. She can barely function. Someone send that bitch to rehab.

  5. Sarah7:43 AM

    I just don't feel sympathy for people who pay to go to her concerts after the public displays she has shown this past year. It's very obvious that she is struggling to even get out of bed in the morning, much less put on a good show.

  6. Allison8:34 AM

    She needs Lithium.

  7. Allison8:35 AM

    Her fans are as delusional as she is. They still think she can actually sing.

  8. police dog10:06 AM

    oh damn I forgot about that! that was so insane. and she kept going too!! gawd mimi you the sparkliest mess there ever was

  9. numoon611:19 AM

    she's been circling the drain ever since she and mottola split

  10. Scandi Sanskrit3:28 PM

    Still, she's a singer. This all looks tame compared to watching Boris Yeltsin's drunk moments on "The Putin Interviews" (Episode 1). Imagine the democratically-elected person in charge of your country (at least it wasn't a Superpower anymore) being like that! I strangely don't remember Yeltsin being that way...

  11. BlissBoo5:28 AM

    I was shocked to see that as well! I guess the then USSR hid his alcoholism very well (as they should). Can you imagine how it really was if that was a snippet?
