Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Blind Item #11

This foreign born A- list mostly television actress on that one season left network show should have stayed quiet about that old affair she had that would have brought down an industry if it had been made public when it happened. Now, everyone is going to know that she is the mother of the baby her old partner is raising with his wife.


  1. elle b4:48 AM

    kerry washington

  2. sandybrook4:48 AM

    Priyanka Chopra? Bollywood the industry?

  3. elle b4:49 AM

    nvm it's been while

  4. Tricia134:49 AM

    Morena Baccherin?

  5. Ulfie4:56 AM

    Anyone wants to enlighten me on this one?

  6. Guesser5:25 AM

    Who ever it is maybe wants people to know now, either to beat the tabloids or because the child , probably adult now, wants it known.

  7. edged15:29 AM

    Hannah Simone of New Girl

  8. NoseyNeighbor5:39 AM

    It's Priyanka. They've been buzzing about it on LSA for two days now. She has a bird brain. The guy is Shah Rukh Khan. Also, people on there are saying it isn't P's baby and that they used a surrogate for this one. Well, I'm inclined to believe it because the kid is fair skinned for having 2 darker complexioned parents (K&S). The kid is the same color as the wife.

  9. StarJones5:54 AM

    This is straight from LSA.

  10. police dog5:58 AM

    hey now! birds can be very very smart. google corvids!

    but yes, priyanka is a dumb b/tch.

  11. police dog6:05 AM

    This foreign born A- list mostly television actress [PRYANKA CHOPRA] on that one season left network show [QUANTICO] should have stayed quiet about that old affair she had [SHAH RUKH KHAN "KING OF BOLLYWOOD"] that would have brought down an industry [BOLLYWOOD] if it had been made public when it happened. Now, everyone is going to know that she is the mother of the baby her old partner is raising with his wife [GAURI KHAN].

    damn, thats some messed up stuff!
    I gotta say though, nobody in bollywood is famous here in the US except for priyanka and that other pretty lady (but even then, nobody knows her name, just her face). the biggest star in bollywood could be walking down the street and Id just assume he's some anonymous indian dude

  12. Patrick6:17 AM

    Bollywood is where the US movie industry was during the heyday of the Studio System. Big name stars present a certain image to the public that often bears little resemblance to reality.

  13. say what8:14 AM

    What is" LSA?"

  14. hakunafrittata9:03 AM


  15. numoon69:43 AM

    I had to google it

  16. Priyanka's affair with SRK is old news, but she's definitely not AbRam's mother. The kid was born in 2013, when PC was busy trying (and failing) to launch a music career and filming Mary Kom, a movie about a boxer.

  17. so you really just frequent other blogs to post their lies as your own too?
