Monday, May 08, 2017

Today's Blind Items - The Avenger

A little after Christmas, the second in charge of a smaller size production company was admitted to the hospital for a night after being rushed to an emergency room. His symptoms? He was violently throwing up and unable to stop. He said he had been cramping and sweating and felt like he was going to die. For 24 hours he was given fluids and watched and was released. Two days later, the head of the same company was treated at the same emergency room for almost the same symptoms. His were worse and it required almost two full days in the hospital before he was released. Sounds like the flu or some other kind of bug and it probably would have gone unnoticed except for one tiny issue. Those two men were not alone. Over the past few months there have been a handful of other producers and directors who have suffered the same symptoms to varying degrees. Most required hospitalization. Because the first two knew each other, they quickly figured out what sent them to the hospital. A month later they heard a story which turned out to be true about another guy with the same symptoms and asked him if he had met with anyone recently. They gave the name. The name kind of spread around a bit and others came forward. One of those people gave me the name and I went asking her. Are we good friends? No. Are we friends? No. Can we get along? Of course. It took many days of me asking her about it before she would talk. When she finally did, she talked a lot.

Apparently a few years ago she had a roommate. That roommate bailed on Hollywood and the two have not really kept in touch. Then, a little before Christmas the old roommate was in town and the pair got together for dinner. It turns out the roommate left town because she was raped by the two guys from that production studio. They would probably categorize it as consensual casting couch type sex, but it was rape. Our actress, when she found out, was livid. She knew the two guys and they had tried to force her to have sex a few years earlier. Two of them in an office and just her. She decided to make them pay. She got some kind of medicine for dogs and at a holiday party for an agency where they were all in attendance she got the first guy with the drops. Two nights later at another holiday party, she got the head of the production company. Apparently she didn't ever hear they went to the hospital. She knew about another guy because he called her asking if she had become sick after they shared a meal together. No one else called her or told her anything. Until about the end of March when she ran out of the drops, she had been getting her revenge on guys that abused her or casting couched her or tried to rape her or assault her. Our actress, who is B list on a very generous day was probably B+ list when her now expired franchise was still running. She said if she had more of the stuff that she has a dozen other names of guys she has personally grudges with and that if she asked around there would probably be hundreds, if not thousands that her friends know. You would think that with a group of these guys knowing what they know about her she would be blackballed or not getting any work. It is the opposite. First, they don't want anyone to know what they did which would come up if they said what she did to them. Second, they are scared of her, and they think if she gets some roles that maybe she will stop what she has been doing. She said other than the guys she did it to, no one else knows. She told none of her friends. She didn't tell her long time boyfriend. Until I came a long she was convinced that the only guy who got sick was the guy who had called her the day after a dinner.


  1. sandybrook3:15 AM

    Ashley Greene?

  2. Tricia133:15 AM

    Spyglass Entertainment?

  3. MontanaMarriott3:17 AM

    How "Hard Candy (which I LOOOOOOOVED btw)" of her. But don't have much to go on based on the description you gave us. But I will say some one from Twilight, Elizabethe Reaser?

  4. longtimereader3:18 AM

    I'm liking this person, respect.

  5. Tricia133:19 AM

    Or Sony Pictures Classics/Rodgers and Tom Bernard (bigger name).

  6. sandybrook3:20 AM

    Doesn't really have a long time boyfriend that I know of, but I think Enty speaks to her once in a while.

  7. IMAO...
    What she did was NOT okay, BUT, I love the fact she did it.
    (Nobody died.)
    Was it mean on her part: YES! Of Course!
    Did the jerks deserve it, I don't know. i wasn't there - nor involved.
    Will it stop casting couch rapist?
    I hope so -- for the women's part.

  8. Tricia133:27 AM

    Maybe Mena Subaru/American Pie franchise....dated Salvador Sanchez for 5years(though may have new guy now)...can see her getting freaky like this though

  9. Tricia133:28 AM

    *Suvari lol

  10. just sayin\'3:28 AM

    no way this will be revealed as it's a criminal act. but justified.

  11. JustReading3:40 AM

    If she's using dog worming medication, it's not difficult to get. <--Because Enty mentioned she didn't have any more drops.

  12. JustReading3:40 AM

    He's revealed alleged murders before.

  13. Sunspirit3:41 AM

    I like this karma.

  14. we're supposed to be believe this? nice made up story enty.

  15. No idea who this is but I LOVE it!

  16. Lemon Swizzle4:02 AM

    Kirsten Dunst? Although the rating may be too low.

  17. texasrose4:30 AM

    Casting couch sex is a hard one to make judgments on. While giving or getting work shouldn't be dependent on it I suspect there is a significant amount of giving it willingly to get work that which blurs the lines and shields the read abusers- those that demand it.

  18. texasrose4:31 AM

    'to get work which blurs the lines and shields the real abusers- those that demand it.'

  19. texasrose4:33 AM

    Sounds about right. She probably has a lot of pent up anger about her career nosedive also which may make her more prone to take this type of action.

  20. She's engaged.

  21. sandybrook4:38 AM

    Ok then she qualifies

  22. bean àlainn rua5:05 AM

    Agreed! The wormer worked & those parasitic a**holes actually had parasites!

  23. Sarah6:13 AM

    I am with the Ashley Greene guess. After seeing her in essentially nothing she's all of a sudden gotten roles in smaller films.

  24. dianavonthirstybird7:04 AM

    She did what I fantasized about for decades! Good for her. Men do this, too. To other men! Talent agent in LA. Got fired from cushy job with major agency. Someone told him before he was let go. Went out to a local supermarket & bought 10 lbs. of hamburger meat. Went to Chairman's office and stuffed the raw meat in all the furniture, and under the priceless Persian rug. He was fired. A week later the odor was so horrid they cleaned out the office and even pulled out some of the wood in the walls. He was in NYC working at another agency by the time they got wise. Nothing happened to him. Cost the agency thousands and thousands to replace furniture and rug.

  25. just sayin\'7:10 AM

    i am stunned that the reaction of producers and directors would be to cast this woman out of fear. come on. if her identity is known, wouldn't she be blackballed?

  26. Genet7:49 AM

    Lol respect for some idiot actress who gets assaulted over and over and doesn't turn them in and instead gets some dopey "revenge" that at best is an inconvenience? Meanwhile other dumb actresses like her are getting assaulted by the guys she got her less than impressive revenge against? Lol ok

  27. HH3148:27 AM

    This person is mentally unstable. What if she kills someone? The men may be scumbags and she should report this, not poison them

  28. RenShaw8:40 AM

    I thought I was the only one here. The dopey revenge is not just borderline criminal, it is. What if those idiots had died which is fine with me, but she would forfeit her life in prison. It's bad enough women get their drinks tampered with and then raped. It's not cool. The casting couch is alive and well but not everyone likes the quid pro quo. Respect for her if she stood next to the victim with cameras blaring as they exposed the rapists. But don't hold your breath.

  29. Hot Cola8:53 AM

    * Laud Applesauce*
    You Go! Girl
    Love me a good revenge story, secretly hoping their balls mighve shrunk a little.
    Waay better than just some vomiting and cramps.

  30. Do Tell10:55 AM

    Nothing about this is cool, not the men who took advantage of these women or the psycho self-appointed vigilante who sent them to the hospital. Nothing to cheer about here at all.

  31. Do Tell10:56 AM

    Definitely. Hope they don't have pets or children.

  32. Exactly. Sadly the fools on here cackle "karma" from watching too much Reality tv and don't stop and think what they're really cheering and how it could've actually been handled bravely and not petty college prank style

  33. maitland11:49 AM

    but she could write a book or do an interview exposing them.

  34. maitland11:50 AM

    Hwood is a shady place. These rapists deserve what they get.

  35. maitland11:51 AM

    oh please...they deserve what they got.

  36. they deserve embarrassment in court, jail time and be on the sex offender list. They can get over illness and hurt other women.

  37. Do Tell12:43 PM

    You can die from dehydration, They deserve jail time, but they don't deserve that.

  38. You can die from PTSD, too. Trauma changes people and can naturally cause hyper-vigilance. Has the law worked out well in that town, or against rich & influential men w/high-paid lawyers?
    Her word against theirs.
    She would've also likely been blackballed and/or viewed pitifully.
    Calling her psycho says more about you than it does her.

  39. After reading all comments I'll reiterate what I replied to @DoTell who said these rapists could've died/need jail (among other things similar to the other rapist sympathizers:

    You can die from PTSD, too. Trauma changes people and can naturally cause hyper-vigilance. Has the law worked out well in that town, or against rich & influential men w/high-paid lawyers?
    Her word against theirs.
    She would've also likely been blackballed and/or viewed pitifully.
    Calling her psycho says more about you than it does her.
