Sunday, May 14, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #7

May 6, 2017

If you ever ask me who has the best plastic surgeon in town, I will always say this former A+ list mostly movie actress who rarely acts any longer. I mean she was A list for a decade way back in the day and then again maybe for a year or three. I saw her the other night and she looks three decades younger than her real age. It is crazy. Her kids look older than her.

Demi Moore


  1. sandybrook3:39 AM

    She should send Rumer to him to fix her chin

  2. Jennerationb4:24 AM

    She looked fantastic in the Random Photo section the other day! While, granted, she was born with a beautiful face and great bone structure, she definetly looked 15-20 years younger than her age without looking "pulled/stretched" or overly "botoxed/filled" like some other women.

  3. That's like saying she should send her back to school to try and learn a real life skill; It wouldn't work either.

  4. Scout4:28 AM

    That poor girl has had her chin fixed, and it seems to grow back.

  5. sandybrook4:37 AM

    It's a mutant gene from outer space

  6. demi "from aging to young again" & niki menage "from ugly to almost beautiful"...
    P.S. just abt faces..

  7. Martha6:17 AM

    Raquel Welch

  8. nancer6:47 AM

    she looks very different now than she did when she was young. she's still beautiful, but her face is not the same at all. but yes, top notch plastic surgeon.

  9. While she doesn't fit the clues, Morgan Fairchild has a damn good surgeon.

  10. Jennifer9:19 AM

    Speaking of Morgan I wonder if she will ever come out?

  11. Wildguess12:02 PM

    I can't find it in me to applaud someone for looking good for their age when they've had work done. Plenty of us forego the knife and needle and still look 20 years younger than the calendar would suggest. And, our family and friends still recognize us.

  12. Everybody knows this, but who is the surgeon? That'd be the reveal everyone wants to hear.

  13. I agree. I live in L.A. too and I can only dream of looking as good as Demi at her age. Although she probably had different surgeons and derms for different procedures, I would love to get my hands on those phone numbers.

  14. Wildguess10:01 PM

    I cross paths with Morgan from time to time. Her face never changes, which I suppose one can applaud if one wants. But, the last time I saw her, maybe a year ago?, it was the first time she didn't look like herself any longer. It happens to everyone who does repeated work.

  15. Wildguess10:10 PM

    Just to offer up an example, one actress who doesn't feel the need to modify her face beyond recognition or believability is Linda Hamilton. I just looked at images online and some are unflattering. Hey, that's normal to occasionally take an unflattering photo. In person, I can attest she is beautiful. And not fake looking. And, just based on a few short conversations without knowing anything about her personal life, she impressed me as very gracious and caring.

  16. Sarah7:24 AM

    Demi looks AMAZING. It's astounding to me. That said, it's not surprising because she is obsessed with youth and looking young/staying young. I'm just glad her work actually looks good and she's not a botched job.

  17. All them Beauty Ritual Blood showers ;)
