Thursday, May 25, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 27, 2017

After her appearance on this daytime talk show, this former A list athlete got into a yelling match with the lead host. Apparently the former athlete turned reality star turned author said some things which got under the skin of the host and refused to apologize.

Caitlyn Jenner/Whoopi Goldberg


  1. Barbara RiceHand3:58 AM

    Bruce is out of control. In his mind he's a kardashian. And that's crazy talk. He needs therapy.

  2. *Caitlyn *she
    I know, I know, spelling is hard.

  3. just sayin\'4:28 AM

    i agree. her lifelong privilege and entitlement as a rich, famous man had her believing she would have an even better life as a woman. with her competitive nature, being around the kardashians, who became famous for nothing, she probably thought she'd outshine even them as a woman. i'm sure that she's happier being her authentic self, but as far as finding love or even status as a sex symbol goes, she must be pretty disappointed by now. it's hard enough being a single cisgendered woman over 50 in this world of viagra-pumped straight men. a 6'2 post-op trans woman in her 60's has nothing that men today are looking for (unless she'd be happy with male hookers or gigolos, which i doubt.) bruce jenner will live forever as a god on mt. olympus, but caitlyn jenner is a mere mortal who is subject to all of the arbitrary rules of this cold, cruel society.

  4. Simon5:19 AM

    I saw some of her interviews and she was arrogant, lecturing and condescending! Was Bruce this much a jerk?

  5. Guesser5:28 AM

    I don't think it helps that Caitlyn is probably a lesbian, and probably expected that not to be the case when the transition took place.She really wants to be a kardashian, I think that's what attracted "Bruce" to mama Kris,, she the type of woman Caitlyn wanted to be.That's sad, but true..

  6. dianavonthirstybird5:41 AM

    Bruce and Caitlin were both in therapy for decades. Obviously it didn't help either of them. Would not want to be in her shoes right now. Not that I could wear them! Her life is going to be sad. Maybe someone should introduce her to Chelsea Manning! News at 11!

  7. Barbara RiceHand5:43 AM

    Bruce and Caitlyn are the same person. I can call him either. Hollywood does not control me.

  8. nancer5:47 AM

    bruce jenner was a tool so no surprise caitlyn is too.

  9. TellMeLies5:59 AM

    Bruce Jenner was intolerable. Caitlyn Jenner is UNBEARABLE!!!!! One of the top 5 celebrities on my list of hate....and it's a longgggg list!

  10. Is saying something offensive and NOT apologizing a requirement to be a member of the GOP?
    If so, I think I'll stay an independent.

  11. TopperMadison6:53 AM

    For someone whose actions resulted in the death of an innocent human being, yet did not result in a second of jail time, maybe it's not a good idea to be antagonistic? Perhaps grateful and humble might be a better attitude to take from now on? Just a thought, Caitlyn.

  12. Sarah7:20 AM

    This is not at all surprising. Both Caitlyn and Bruce have never felt remorse or regret for how they have made others feel. Honestly, I am happy for Caitlyn in that she is living life as her most authentic self now, and doing what makes her happy. However, and as much as it pains me to stand up for KTrash, she did so with very little sensitivity to how much she'd impact and harm her family. I do not think she was ever transparent with either Kris or any of her kids or stepchildren about the full extent of her gender identity issues and her decision to transition. And so when Kris expresses hurt, or the kids express shock and anger at finding out with the rest of the world, and Caitlyn makes excuses or shows a lack of empathy, it makes me find her more unlikeable. Just my opinion.

  13. i don't hate caitlyn: she's just a poorly educated, constantly fame whoring old rich bitch, who always tells something stupid, uninteresting, w/ a lack of humor & looks very atrocious...

  14. Do Tell10:37 AM

    She is a college graduate, anyway.

  15. Do Tell10:39 AM

    If you look at foolish old Maxine Waters, as well as most of the late night talking heads, it is apparently a requirement of BOTH major parties.

  16. AMartel11:31 AM

    These two oblivious self-centered twits deserve each other.

  17. Hortensia12:32 PM

    Lack of empathy for others is a trait of Narcissists.

  18. Juanita2:45 PM

    Whoopi and Ellen the two biggest snowflakes around
    The left is disgustingly hypocritical they will support gays women and trans only if they spout the party line - dem party line
    Communist dictatorship Stalin would be proud of

  19. Juanita2:46 PM

    Bc she's republican ? You pathetic snowflakes are so obvious
    You can only support trans if democratic communist

  20. Juanita2:47 PM

    Oh I'm sure you are a little lib snowflake David

  21. Juanita2:50 PM

    Liberals are such hypocrites
    They seethe with hate at Caitlyn bc she's a trans who doesn't spout lib lines
    Well my gay friends are republicans bc we came from country where gays go to prison and forced to sit in hot sun all day
    Yea Cuba run by a dictator like obama

  22. Robin Stewart3:04 PM

    what is such a hypocrite should take a picture of a Donald Trump's discussing statue and then lecture people that you shouldn't go your body shaming or bulling ppl.. 2 Faced

  23. Robin Stewart3:07 PM

    sorry most Republicans are Highly Educated ivy league or top three minimum earning $70,000 no matter where you are in the states.

  24. Scallywag7031:04 PM

    Most Republicans live below the poverty level and think Trump is going to save them.

  25. dumbass5:54 AM

    LOL youre so wrong.

  26. Wendy5:57 AM

    You are on the wrong site lol. None of us care what the fuck you have to say, at all.

    We hate Caitlyn because she's not a good person, not anything to do with her political party.

  27. Wendy5:59 AM

    lol that's not even close to true. Most of them are lower middle class, and a good portion are under the poverty line.
