Thursday, May 04, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 23, 2015

At a couple of separate events last week, this B- list mostly movie actress who has had a quiet year or so just working but not promoting anything after her crazy marriage is having some issues of her own. The actress, was chain smoking and shaking and doing her best Taryn Manning impression on how to look wasted out of your mind. At both events, people tried to steer clear of her as best they could. Usually she keeps this kind of thing behind closed doors.

Katie Holmes


  1. longtimereader2:49 AM

    Poor joey, you need pacey in your life.

  2. just sayin\'3:01 AM

    after a certain age getting wasted out of your mind is not a cool look. katie's poor half-orphan child needs a stable mom. this is obnoxious behavior.
