Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 24, 2017

You remember that one hit wonder British singer who keeps swearing up and down that this time his new album will be a success? Yeah, the same guy who said he wrote the song about every famous person he ever wanted to hook up with. Yeah, well he has been drunk dialing his most famous model ex several times a week for the past six months. I doubt his significant other knows.

James Blunt/Petra Nemcova


  1. dianavonthirstybird6:02 AM

    Someone in charge needs to check on their internet security. This site was down all day. Could not access it period. Could not post comments last night. Someone is having a problem with the truth. Don't let this happen again, enty.

  2. sandybrook6:20 AM

    This is probably the only place in the world where James Blunt still has relevance.

  3. sandybrook6:21 AM

    Enty shut it down to work on it, he tweeted out a msg about it this morning. Looks like he got rid of the oldest newest thingy down at the bottom of this box, but we'll see later

  4. sandybrook6:27 AM

    Nope that's still there so who knows what he worked on 😣

  5. Guesser6:42 AM

    he was in the news because he was a friend of Carrie Fisher's

  6. sandybrook6:53 AM

    Oh I see now, so a fake blind was warranted. (Doesn't seem like almost 3 months that she and Debbie died.)

  7. dianavonthirstybird6:58 AM

    Thanks Sandy: I thought some horrid short woman with bad hair hacked it! I had to be talked back from the edge last night when I couldn't access it. The police were very understanding. One PoPo said it's the result of watching too much KUWTKs. It melts your brain cells he said.

  8. I Googled them and still I am like: Who?

  9. Guesser7:06 AM

    If the site is down, check @entylawyer twitter, he usually has an update, some here might think to look up cdan on twitter, and that doesn't work.

  10. I blame the Russianhacking crew!

  11. Guesser7:09 AM

    Enty has had a beef with him so long, I bet he wished they got back together and he was the dead guy with poor Petra.

  12. Hot Cola7:47 AM

    Drunk loser.

  13. Oh no!9:32 AM

    Then you must not get out much.

  14. yukyuk10:20 AM

    Occasionally shutting down doesn't hurt CDaN's hit count, either.

  15. Scandi Sanskrit11:27 AM

    Entyyy... Come on, man! James Blunt is SO not a "one-hit wonder", he's had plenty of hits. I respect him a lot because he served as a NATO peacekeeper, and many of his lyrics reflect his experience in the Balkans (and most of the ones about women don't show a dick-ish man).

    However, there is that ONE song that's really weird. It's called "Annie" and the lyrics are bitter AF (literally that one song sticks out like a sore thumb when his other lyrics reflect a gentleman). Look it up, if anyone's interested.

    Anyway, he was in town so I went to his concert (this was back in 2013, I think). And I remember in front of me at the balcony was this couple. It was one of those couples: Foreigner (usually a white male, older—his foreign currency allows him to live the life of a king in Southeast Asia where the living cost is low, and the exchange rates are in his favour, but if you're well-travelled, you'd know this man is not a king in his home country) with a local younger woman (you know the type: The bar girl, just Google "Thai bar girls" or "Indonesian bar girl", if you don't know what I'm talking about). These relationships tend to have strange dynamics, to put it mildly (rarely equal partnerships—dude gets his ego stroked, girl gets a better life). I'm not passing judgment these kinds of couples here (I like foreigners myself—so no judgement here, but I'm definitely not a "bar girl", either).

    So anyway, James Blunt and his band start playing "Annie", and the man of the couple in front of me just stops wiggling his body/singing along... He just gets really quiet while James sings that song. I wondered if he reacted that way because he felt defensive about his own "arrangement" (maybe thinking about how hollow it is, or ashamed of the fact that he couldn't have entered into an equal partnership) and wondered about his girlfriend/wife's motivations, or whether he was sad because he was tired of his girlfriend being judged as an "Annie" who just entered into an interracial/currency-exchange relationship for a better life.

    Again, I'm not judging anyone. I just always remember that sad moment at the concert for some reason...

  16. Scandi Sanskrit11:29 AM

    You're not supposed to "Google" him, David! Look him up on Apple Music/Spotify/SoundCloud or something. That's what he's good for.

  17. dianavonthirstybird11:54 AM

    In my CDAN withdrawal stupor I thought someone said James Hunt! Wish he was still here. What a gorgeous hunk HE was!

  18. Sd auntie12:39 PM

    Yes. I agree David. They were posting strange messages lthat did not make sense. Now, i just get wierd porn pages with fugly babes . WTF!!!

  19. Guesser12:48 AM

    @Sdauntie, run a security scan stat,,and if you already had one that was supposed to work, download another. This site has a history of problems, I had to use adblocker and use only their browser,and I still get some ads!

  20. Noneandall9:21 PM

    James Blunt makes my skin crawl. I never got a 'gentleman' vibe from him. I can't erase from my memory an interview I saw him do where all he wanted to talk about was the apparant size of his appendage, it was beyond cringe worthy.

  21. Petra will shag him to death.
