Monday, May 08, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

February 9, 2017

This foreign born A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner and is going to be in a franchise after being in a different franchise not that long ago told a bunch of fan to f**k off when they asked for her autograph or photo. And she wonders why she is not more well liked.

Charlize Theron


  1. sandybrook2:38 AM

    Sean Peen liked her, maybe too much. Anyway that choice shows everyone exactly the type of person she is.

  2. Melissa4:48 AM

    She comes across as a bitter bitch, always, its in her mannerisms. And I believe that shitty character she plays in that movie where she acts like a spoiled disgusting 30-something, is a very close resemblance to who she is attitude wise, in real life.
    Her bitch face fit that part tooooo well.

  3. Sarah6:20 AM

    I am not in love with Charlize, and I can and do sense an attitude with her, but I really do not blame celebrities for getting testy when it comes to taking pictures with fans and being asked for autographs. I totally understand that these people should be appreciative of their fans, because they are a large reason why they continue to be employed. But there is a sense of entitlement in today's world with smartphones and social media that celebrities can not or should not be left alone and that just because you have a portable phone with a camera, that they should then have to stop their life to take a photo with a stranger. I think it is so rude.

  4. dianavonthirstybird7:13 AM

    When your mother murders your father in self defense, it tends to ruin your childhood! She is probably still carrying around a lot of anger from that. I love her.

  5. Dannette8:45 AM

    If you can't keep a smile on your face for what 10 million, 20 million a job, get out of the business special princess.

  6. Then she should get some fucking therapy. Part of an actor's job is making sure that we, the audience, likes them. Suck it up, princess.

  7. Special princess... you made me laugh out loud.
