Monday, May 22, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 30, 2017

SAG Awards

Waking up on the floor of a stranger’s house at 7am, probably was one of the reasons this B+ list mostly television actress from a hit network show missed the awards. She is freaked out about what will happen to her when they show ends.

Sarah Hyland


  1. sandybrook2:43 AM

    She will turn to music if she doesn't act.

  2. Lurky McLurkster2:50 AM

    I thought you were joking but a quick Youtube and she actually can sing

  3. sandybrook2:52 AM

    Yeah I saw her sing something last year and thought it was really good.

  4. M. Brown3:42 AM

    As she's gotten older on the show she's gone from a typical teen actress to a very peculiar "character actor" type. She's tiny with a disproportionate round face. If she's a pleasure to work with I could see her cast as the funny neighbor or coworker but that doesn't seem to be the case.

  5. just sayin\'8:09 AM

    the reason for her unusually round face may be the anti-rejection meds she takes since having a kidney transplant as a child. which is a very good reason not to abuse drugs or alcohol now.

  6. I hope she gets healthy and chills on the level of consumption, before any reversible self-destruction.
    *Being young and having access to anything/everything can blur deter any cares of consequences (which many teens & young adults already don't consider...and many grow up to become adults living recklessly or may fall into excess/destruction later in life).

  7. I don't think she's likeable, sadly. She actually can sing, but if she doesn't chill out with the partying no one will want to work with her, period.

  8. TheCousinEddy7:07 PM

    She can always ride the wave of success from ABC's version of Dirty Dancing.

    Just Kidding. Hahaha.

    They should have just ordered a musical episode of Modern Family and called it "The Dunphys and Pritchetts go to the Catskills" and made it campy and cheesy and a sort of parody of Dirty Dancing. It would have been much-better received by ABC's core demographic and the social media response would certainly not have been so full of vitriol.

    Last night's 3 hour train wreck was a disaster. Thank God it wasn't live.

  9. texasrose1:42 PM

    She should be. I hope she saved some of her money.
