Saturday, May 13, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 2, 2017

This about to try and resuscitate his career with another installment of his franchise A list mostly movie actor needed resuscitating a few weeks ago when he mixed the wrong kind of pills with wine and a touch of coke.

Johnny Depp


  1. RenShaw3:34 AM

    People have had enough his franchise and this summer movie will likely bomb. He's living in the pits spending and drinking and drugging, and the Amber aftertaste. That's his karma for dumping Vanessa.

  2. just sayin\'3:43 AM

    feeling preachy today. this culture is so warped -- the same people who spend fortunes to avoid the appearance of aging, or obsess about eating "unhealthy" foods like carbs or animal products, will pollute their bodies and brains with drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. which don't do their looks any favors, either.

  3. dianavonthirstybird4:20 AM

    Hope he doesn't end like his close friend River Phoenix. I think he has a lot of very old demons living rent free in his head. Pretty sure he'd like to evict them but can't.

  4. police dog4:41 AM

    he let river DIE instead of get himself in trouble.

    please, he didnt even care enough about river's life to make one phone call.

  5. nursermk5:31 AM

    No, this is a perfect time to mention since River Phoenix was a big "I'm so healthy, I only eat organic, vegan and do yoga every day" kind of guy, yet was a big multi substance smoker and general druggie. Or DiCaprio with his vehement protection of body and planet rant and then he chain smokes, drinks and parties. Wish there was some way to line them up and spell out all the hypocritical behavior in a public forum?

  6. nursermk5:35 AM

    Exposing that he uses an ear piece because he is too jacked up on substances or too uninterested to learn his lines will keep some from even bothering to see this film. He is a master of destroying any good will his fans might extend towards him and he keeps on chipping it all away.

  7. Unemployable7:53 AM

    Who was the dipshit that resuscitated him?

  8. Wildguess8:07 AM

    As long as we're being preachy, my gripe is that he has kids... these drugged-up parents really tick me off. Why not think of the effing kids, eh? It just isn't all about YOU when you have children.

  9. Johnny Depp has been a mess for almost 30 years already. I do not see that ship turning around.

  10. Jennifer11:04 AM

    His acting has been total shit for ten+ years. I don't get people that worship this degenerate and his horrible pirates shit.

  11. Random1011:54 PM

    People who come into your life bring their luck with them, Depp started to be SUPER successful only after he started dating Vanessa. Before you get all defensive, look at his IMDB, his most iconic roles and most well paying roles were when he was with her. He has had a bad run since the day he started shooting for that Rum Diaries. Everything he has touched has turned to dust. It is true, this is karma for dumping Vanessa.

  12. It was a mutual breakup and more difficult on Depp as she was a stable force for him. He threw himself into Amber, the devil and we all know how that turned out.

  13. Well, Disney can't have a dead Johnny Depp on their hands; or, they will be forced to moth-ball all the future 'Pirates of the Caribbean' remakes.

  14. yeah but he also got real old. Don't think you can call that karma

  15. These actors that are Hunter S. Thompson groupies bug me.
    Johhny Depp being one of them
    and Penn

  16. longtimereader3:14 AM

    I've heard rumours of a budget upto $300m FFS.
