Sunday, May 28, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 18, 2016

If you ever wondered why this A- list mostly movie actor from a very strong acting family is always walking or riding a bike, it is because doctors don’t recommend he drive with the medications he takes.

Owen Wilson


  1. police dog4:05 AM

    this shouldnt be a blind. he has talked about mental health in the past and if he has epilepsy thats bad enough, he isnt allowed to drive.

    not cool, just saying. nothing scandalous, just sad

  2. Wildguess4:42 AM

    I'm glad he's taking meds. No stigma AT ALL.

  3. if he's impaired, he really shouldn't be riding a bike in traffic either.

  4. Hot Cola8:59 AM

    He loOKs whacked most of the time

  5. Dtown308:35 PM

    Thank you. The Wilsons are my childhood friends. They are such a nice family (their dad, also a bit of a legend in his own right, recently passed away, incidentally), and Owen is a good guy, of whom we are all very proud. It's nobody's business, what medications he might be taking. He's taking care of himself. No shame in that!

  6. JabroniMaloney1:53 AM

    Agreed, disgusting blind, no right in shaming people.

  7. Sarah5:37 AM

    Aw if he's taking care of himself that's all that matters! No one should try and turn this into a scandal because he has been open about his mental health issues.

  8. SComey3:25 PM

    No shame at all! I hate that so much stigma is attached to mental health.



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