Monday, May 15, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 7, 2017

This red headed actress who thinks she is better than she is was incredibly rude to fans who had waited hours to see her and other celebrities. She was the only one who blew off the fans.

Debra Messing


  1. MontanaMarriott1:31 AM

    Coke mom needs to realize that the only reason she ever had a hit show was because fans tuned in for Jack and Karen's shenanigans. NOT for her character. Truth be told NBC really could have done a spin off of those two and it would have been better than dealing with this snob.

  2. sandybrook2:15 AM

    I think Entern decided to reveal this today because NBC brought Will and Grace back for fall season this morning.

  3. Sarahelizabeth2:23 AM

    Totally agree. Wish it was just jack and Karen for the show...(Sean and Megan are amazing.) Grace is terrible in character and Debra just no...

  4. bmoviegirl2:28 AM

    I would have thought NBC had their fill of her diva bullshit after her last show. That detective show with low ratings did not warrant her diva behaviour. I'm sure she will be worse now.

  5. dianavonthirstybird2:41 AM

    If it weren't for Jack & Karen, that show would have ended the first season. Debra Messing brought zilch to that show. She's a one trick pony and got boring and stale reeeeeel quick.

  6. Rebecca2:42 AM

    I knew it wasn't Karen Gillan, she is a doll!

  7. Melissa2:49 AM

    I don't understand how/why people bite the hand that feeds....

  8. I met Debra Messing at Book Expo America. She was a HUGE b*tch. HUGE. This isn't surprising at all.

  9. Patrick6:52 AM

    I'd love to see Will interact with them as well. Debra Messing's character was the only unnecessary character. She could easily be replaced with an employee or relative.

  10. Sarah6:54 AM

    UGH. Hate her, didn't love Will and Grace. Overrated--Jack and Karen should have been the stars. She's not worth the energy/diva behavior.

  11. Artpunk7:15 AM

    Is she not doing lines anymore?

  12. In other ground breaking news, water is wet.

  13. Megan, Sean & Shelley made this show funny...
