Friday, May 05, 2017

Blind Item #9

This A- list mostly movie actor who has a franchise that is loooooooooooong running. He is also closeted. This week in NYC though he has been out and about with his long time boyfriend in public.


  1. Tricia133:45 AM


  2. Tricia133:47 AM

    Omg this blind is from
    2 years ago I swear lol
    Cinqo started early for Enty?

  3. MontanaMarriott3:52 AM

    LMAO That's what I have been saying since the first BI, LMAO He probably started last night and is still going strong, LMAO

  4. sandybrook3:52 AM

    Vin diesel

  5. Tricia133:55 AM

    I just read that lol-you were spot on!!

  6. Desirae Hendry4:02 AM


  7. Star Trek - Chris Pine in town for SNL.

  8. police dog4:22 AM

    definitely chris prine

  9. I know for a fact that Vin Diesel is gay. This is him. fast and Furious franchise. He was just in New York

  10. dianavonthirstybird8:29 AM

    Dal: My daughter was a frequent patron at a club Vin used to front door guard, or bouncer or whatever. She told me years ago all the girls had the super hots for him but learned, sadly, he played for the other team. Maybe it was a phase he went through. Like Daniel Craig went through in West Hollywood gay bars a few years ago.

  11. ShaShaFrrrce8:52 AM

    It's CHARLIE HUNNAM. He was in NYC all week for King Arthur promotions. Enty is making fun of King Arthur being a long running franchise bc it's been redone so many times. Charlie has been bearding hard core and making a big deal about splashing the relationship all over the news bc he knows his boyfriend is about to be outed - technically the story is out but no one seems to have picked up on it. Probably bc Charlie isn't the A lister that Enty says he is.

  12. sydguy9:30 AM

    Yes, it's very likely it's him. He was devastated when Paul died in the accident. I'm sure they were lovers.

  13. herecomesthesun10:56 AM

    Clearly Chris Pine. Long running franchise being Star Trek. He's in NYC for SNL and The Tonight Show, and was papped with "his trainer" who is also in NYC for the week...

  14. DancerDiva12:46 PM

    Diana, if you're referring to The Tunnel in NYC, he was definitely a bouncer there. I remember meeting him, and all my friends thought I was crazy when I said that he wasn't buying what I was selling. He was nice then though.

  15. Um, nope.

  16. dianavonthirstybird5:03 AM

    OMGosh! You could have partied with my daughter! Wouldn't that be a hoot? To refresh your memory, she was the biggest diva bitch in the room. Always. But a fantastic dancer and really cute. That was a phase she went through for forever. Now she's in real estate.

  17. This site is terribly designed and written.

  18. This is Chris Pine the gay rumours have gone on for him for years.

  19. JabroniMaloney5:12 PM

    Your daughter sounds like a hoot, rofl. I bet she has some cool stories.

  20. longtimereader1:41 AM

    Not THE tunnel, legendary hip-hop club?

  21. JabroniMaloney9:26 AM

    It really is
