Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Blind Item #9

Huh. It is amazing how those "recording sessions" lasted the same amount of time as a rehab stay. Why does no one ask the former A+ list rapper about it. Apparently they adjusted his meds too.


  1. MontanaMarriott3:45 AM


  2. sandybrook3:46 AM

    +several hundred thousand

  3. Guesser3:53 AM

    Good for him. People whether famous or not need privacy in treatment. There will be plenty of blabbermouths giving the details afterwards.

  4. Kanye... Honestly he has a great mind but can anyone blame him. When your surrounded by crazy (K family) your bound to go crazy and many seek cocaine and booze to cope. It's not a excuse by any means but look 1st husband died 2nd husbandturned woman, daughters husbands either current or exs all have issues with drugs and booze during their realationships. Obviously something is very wrong with that family and it was only a matter of time before Kanye lost it which he did publicly. Now adjusting meds and rehab smh

  5. SnarkIsFun5:14 AM

    Best thing he could do for his mental health is to get away from that crazy Klan . . .

  6. Sarah7:52 AM

    I will always be a Kanye defender, because I do believe that underneath everything he is a good, well-meaning individual. I think after his Mom passed he went a little nuts (around the time he interrupted Taylor at the VMAs) and then getting involved with the Kardashians and participating in that media circus is not good for his mental well-being (as it tends not to be for the men in that family- see Bruce/Caitlyn, Lamar, and Rob as exhibits A, B, and C). I want him to divorce her because I think his health and well being is now at risk staying with a family that publicizes every incident so intensely. I hope he gets better.

  7. dianavonthirstybird8:16 AM

    No amount of meds will calm him down when he reads in Forbes today that his BFF Jay Z & Wife are now officially BILLIONAIRES!!! Kim better grab the kids, her bag and haul ass to another state!!

  8. Willingness to marry in into that family (in absolute seriousness) based on all the information available in the public domain must be a sign of instability of some sort and it's sad how quick they are to milk that weakness

  9. Scandi Sanskrit12:27 PM

    Don't people in the rehab facilities have an ethics agreement/NDA to sign, tho?

  10. Hortensia1:41 PM

    Kanye is a (seemingly) big black tough dude rapper. Marries a caricature of a female. Seen it over and over. Dude can't be gay in his line of work. Got to be super stud male. Start living your real life Kanye. People like and respect you when you're authentic.

  11. Ultralight Beam1:59 AM

    This. ^^^ save Kanye before the Krazy Karthrashian Koven ruins what's left of his mind. He is so talented and changed the rap game. It would be fantastic if he came out as well. We love you Kanye!!!!

  12. longtimereader3:03 AM

    He is genuinely talented and i wish him all the best. Trouble is the closet, just look at what it did to whitney.
