Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Blind Item #8

If you are blonde and look pretty darn close to this A+ list mostly movie actress with multiple Academy Award wins/nominations, than you have a pretty good shot at hooking up with this A- list mostly television actor with a hit almost television show. He had his heart crushed by the actress so loves dating women who look like her.


  1. Tricia131:46 AM

    Jen Lawrence/Aziz Ansari

  2. Joel Theriot2:34 AM

    I'm not trying to be a smart alec here but if you look like Jennifer Lawrence, you're going to have a pretty good chance of hooking up with any straight man on the planet earth. But I get the jist of the blind- dude is a dishrag and misses mommy.

  3. sandybrook2:38 AM

    Poor Aziz maybe he should try lowering his standards a tad? It's not like he's a prize.

  4. longtimereader2:43 AM


  5. police dog4:22 AM

    he seems sweet and funny but yea, physically, he needs to lower his standards by a looooooot

  6. NoseyNeighbor4:31 AM

    Meh. There are women far more attractive than her who would eagerly date him. Just like real estate, location is everything. He needs to go to another major city where he has a greater chance of success. Big fish in a smaller pond.

  7. Guesser5:08 AM

    Why should he?I see some of the biggest creeps in Hollywood dating the most beautiful women, wife beaters, ugly old geezers. Maybe Jennifer is afraid to date a friend, but if he is really doing this, she will be freaked out for good., From what I heard, her latest BF is no prize, but everyone seems to think he's her equal or superior.

  8. Bruna5:23 AM

    JLaw and Aziz.Now this is creepy.No wonder there are no pics of them together since last year.He probably HATES Aronofsky

  9. Do Tell5:26 AM

    No, Kiefer's show is on ABC.

  10. sandybrook5:50 AM

    I think he should shoot for Mindy Kaling another who pines for one true love that wants nothing to do with her.

  11. Sarah6:16 AM

    Aziz is not unattractive, he's successful, and he's hilarious. Dude should move on from JLaw...if you don't have an accent, she's not going to date you. (See: Nicholas Hoult, Chris Martin, Liam Hemsworth (rumored) and now Aronofsky). He could probably snag someone more attractive and less annoying.

  12. Hot Cola6:23 AM

    He is UGLY.

  13. Hot Cola6:25 AM

    ( And can iu picture his skinny bidy in bed?...Uugghu..

  14. Callie7:33 AM

    Nicholas has a knock off Jennifer as well. What does she do to these men

  15. texasrose8:08 AM

    I assume you must also get drunk a lot and dance around topless too.

  16. Aronofsky is not an attractive man, and (allegedly) a control freak to boot. Why shouldn't Aziz think he has a shot?

  17. Antonio2:52 PM

    Because they are both Indian? While neither are conventionally attractive by Hollywood/most peoples' standards I don't see why they should date each other. They both seem to like white gals/guys who are probably not into them like that. I mean I don't think Mindy could pull a lot of the guys she dates on her shows in real life. But she shouldn't stop trying if that's what she wants. Get that good white dick girl.

  18. sd Auntie4:03 PM


  19. James4:38 AM

    Thats just sad if true I'm sure there's someone out there for Aziz at this point JLaw would only date someone who would help her further up the ladder in her career (how I don't know) I thought she supposed to be down to earth and what not unless her heads in the clouds or her ass
