Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Blind Item #8 - Met Gala

People could not stop whispering and pointing at this A- list mogul/wannabe rapper who weighs almost double what he did back in the day. I blame it on his love of booze. I have the same problem. I drink and then I binge eat.


  1. No the bloat is due to his new cocktail regiment.

  2. Salaam2:36 AM

    So that explains the reason for that ridiculous outfit he had on last night? Either it was the only thing he owned that fit, or he was too drunk to care.

  3. Stop one and the other stop also.

  4. I quit drinking and lost 10 lbs howboudah

  5. just sayin\'4:24 AM

    the 3 big no no's that people will shun you for as if they're contagious: gaining too much weight, letting an unchic mental illness show, and losing all of your money. (also divorce and old age in some circles.) in diddy's case i have no sympathy, it's karma for so many years of thinking he's better than everyone else. i want kanye to get fat sooooo badly!

  6. Guesser9:36 AM

    Add being in a wheelchair,no matter how well you deal with it.



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