Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Blind Item #4

A lot of juggling demands and time and projects for this A list singer. She is trying to literally do it all while keeping her drug use under control. She is failing though and needs some rehab which she can't do because of all the demands.


  1. Tricia1312:32 AM

    Katy Perry?

  2. Zelda Zonk12:45 AM

    Or Gaga with filming and writing music for A Star is Born

  3. I can believe that. Everything's going wrong for Katy with this era and there's all sorts of things coming out that make her sound vile. Her SNL appearance was a mess too. https://i.imgur.com/RJMCLaT.gif

  4. SarahS12:59 AM

    Yeah, she's not doing a very good job of hiding her drug use with how incredibly manic she seems right now. The people she is hanging around with right now have a LOT to do with this...

  5. Mr Cellophane1:11 AM

    She was a mess this morning on Elvis Duran

  6. Plume1:26 AM

    Saw that on Youtube. Before I clicked play, for a split second I mistook Katy for Eddie Izzard

  7. Joel Theriot1:35 AM

    When you've hoovered enough blow to fill up Lake Titicaca, this isn't a big shock.

  8. Smiley Face2:22 AM

    Leave Barbra alone. She's got work to do.

  9. dianavonthirstybird2:54 AM

    I saw her in person for the first time last week on Ellen. She was so super hyper I thought Ellen was going to run from the set! Lord have mercy, what is she ON?!!!

  10. Tricia133:03 AM

    Someone saw her on Saturday Night Live I think this past weekend and had a funny comment-like she timed machined it back to the Limelight in the 80's/90's lol

  11. JustReading5:32 AM

    The overhead shot when her leg was raised & her toe pointed - definite tremor. Not just shaking, a tremor. I have a tremor, so I noticed - and my TV is huge. Hard to miss a trembling fishnet stirrup foot on your face.

  12. Sarah6:49 AM

    Katy is looking more and more crazy by the appearance. Her career is dying and I don't think she can handle it gracefully and find a good next step.

  13. That would explain why her solution to fighting Islamic terrorism to for all of us to "love on each other." So there you go, hug a suicide bomber, solve our terrorism problem. Mensa is looking for you, Katy Perry!

  14. Sally6:30 PM

    You were at that taping for Ellen? I saw clips from that episode on YouTube. Katy Perry was acting super jumpy... I think she was on coke or speed.

  15. Flangienopants4:58 AM

    Katy Perry looked like she needed to be scrapped off the ceiling on Ellen. The huge eyes....!!!
