Saturday, May 06, 2017

Blind Item #2

This A+ list mostly movie actor even threw down the line not to cross with a talk show host no one throws down a line to. She did cross over it a couple of times but in a very timid way. Reason he doesn't want to talk? No one has come up with a good story that every party can agree to.


  1. sandybrook3:07 AM

    Oprah and Leo and the Monnay scandal?

  2. Marlo3:10 AM

    Bradley Cooper, the mess he's in (hilarious) and either Ellen or Oprah?

  3. just sayin\'3:14 AM

    sounds like it to me

  4. SissyGirl5:16 AM

    Bradley Cooper was on the Ellen show yesterday, it was hilarious to see him,he looked really uncomfortable. when you know what's going on about the baby,i can't believe he didn't avoid the interview at all,it's way too risky for him right now

  5. texasrose7:46 AM

    So is the basic issue that Shayk's kid is too dark to be his??
