Saturday, May 20, 2017

Blind Item #2

This B+ list mostly movie actress from an acting family where she is still the least known family member has been taking her turn hooking up with this married studio boss to try and really rev up her career.


  1. sandybrook3:15 AM

    Dakota Johnson?

  2. jessica3:29 AM

    Elizabeth Olsen and Weinstein- you can see pics of them sitting together on daily mail

  3. dianavonthirstybird3:47 AM

    When I hear these whispers about Harvey, I always find them hard to believe because his wife is one of the most beautiful and talented women on earth. Her clothes are just over the top gorgeous.

  4. Perhaps3:48 AM

    A Baldwin sister?

  5. nursermk4:07 AM

    Have you ever heard the expression: "Show me the most beautiful woman in the world, and I'll show you some guy who's tired of f***ing her."? She's willing, he's able, and there you go.

  6. Guesser6:29 AM

    The only reason a woman like that is with someone like him is for power. She probably is seeing someone on the side, she can't be that ignorant.

  7. Ipoopalot7:18 AM

    Men have cheating on beautiful woman since their creation it's nothing new.

  8. Ipoopalot7:20 AM

    OMG! I've always found her so annoying and this another reason to hate her

  9. Nothing can make a slimy man with emotional issues stop being a slimy man with emotional issues except the man himself. The only people who cheat men or women have this problem

  10. just sayin\'10:44 AM

    but she bred with him. why georgina, why?

  11. Scandi Sanskrit10:50 AM

    I am scared shitless of Harvey Weinstein (and I say that as someone who's never met him and will never work in those circles).

    I'd literally have nightmares (I don't even know where they come from) and he's always pulling some evilass shite in those nightmares! Once I had a dream that I laid two eggs that I had with my then-boyfriend (or so I thought) and Harvey took the eggs away from us so he could watch them hatch, while we (the parents of the eggs) weren't even let in his room (which looked like the insides of Versailles) and we were so sad that we'd never see out babies hatch. And all of this before I knew about all the horrible things he does to get his way. FFS.

    Oh and, by the way, Hillary Clinton is chummy with Weinstein. He gives her money:

    I'm getting gossebumbs just looking a that photo. Hhhhh.

  12. Hot Cola2:08 PM

    Elizabeth Olson

  13. Marlo2:53 PM

    His wife is indeed drop dead gorgeous, but you are fooling yourself about the talent, or you know nothing about fashion.
    Marchesa is a very run-of-the-mill brand, she is NOT the designer, and the only reason it became so successful (not anymore though) is because hubby poured millions into marketing and distribution. and basically paid online & real retailers to sell those hideous dresses.
    Every actress that wore Marchesa when it became famous, was forced to do so: you want to keep your job in the movie industry, you wear wifey's dresses.
    Rumour is that it was Georgina's condition for Weinstein to catapult her own fashion brand to success, or she'd divorce him over all his extra-marital shaggifests, which would cost him more.
    He also bought her her guest spot on tv next to Tim Gunn & Heidi Klum. Her talents lie in blackmailing that fat fuck. LOL

    Have you never wondered why Marchesa isn't as hot as it was 10 years ago anymore? The fabrics they use are shit, the lace is cheap, the designs pedestrian; it's a brand for people who know nothing about fashion, and who have old lady taste.
