Thursday, May 18, 2017

Blind Item #12

Drug use and a ton of cheating and boozing. It would make a great telenovela. The thing is though, all of it is destroying the marriage between this celebrity offspring turned actor and a lesser known celebrity sibling.


  1. Tricia134:47 AM

    Ashlee Simpson/Evan Riss

  2. Tricia134:47 AM


  3. sandybrook4:54 AM


  4. StarJones4:56 AM

    Don't they have kids? I feel like Tina Simpson is eventually going to be the new Katherine Jackson.

  5. RenShaw5:16 AM

    Already? Is anybody ever happy over there.

  6. JustReading5:48 AM

    Diana will take over, I bet.

  7. Sarah5:57 AM

    **eyeroll** this could be about 10-15 different couples haha hardly something out of the norm for Hollywood. That being said, I never understood Ashlee Simpson's appeal. I watched her reality show when I was in high school and she is incredibly annoying and talentless. I actually do enjoy Evan Ross though.

  8. alice7:06 AM

    Ross and Simpson - ugh

  9. dianavonthirstybird7:16 AM

    I'm confused. Is the wife doing the drugs, booze and cheating or the husband? Or is one doing drugs, the other alcohol and cheating? Can someone straighten this out for me? If it's Asslee, you betta believe Miss Ross is not amused and not going to allow her to get custody of her grandkids and the Ross millions.

  10. Scandi Sanskrit11:32 AM

    Don't you know? We're only allowed happiness and bliss for about 3 months since we fell in love. After that, they take it away from you... For ratings.
