Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Blind Item #11

This former A+ list rapper certainly has learned from his reality star wife the best way to fleece fans when they think they are giving to charity but are really just lining celebrity pockets. Probably money he is hiding from that permanent A+ list rapper he owes millions to.


  1. sandybrook4:31 AM

    Kimye and Jayz

  2. Sarah5:08 AM

    Kanye better be careful. Jay has been incredibly kind to him, all things considered.

  3. JustReading6:13 AM

    This isn't a blind and it's not new, despite only showing up on LSA, TSR, HSK, etc. Article cited is from 2012 Just sayin' http://www.businessinsider.com/the-dismal-numbers-behind-kanye-wests-charity-which-doesnt-donate-money-2012-2
    "Kanye West Foundation only gave $7,695 in charity after raising $1.09 million"

  4. Kangay9:47 AM

    That's disgusting. Karma will continue to reem them hopefully.

  5. he owes Jay z like 7 ,million or something insane

  6. Jay Z is PERMANENT A+ list now??? Fuck off, Enty. You're just too stupid to live.

  7. Hortensia12:01 PM

    That is shameful. Karma will come back to him. Guaranteed.

  8. Do Tell12:18 PM

    Hopefully in the form of a bigger, worse Bernie Madoff that leaves them in financial ruin with less than $10,000 between the whole clan after selling off and signing over everything they own.

  9. VaBorn12:59 AM

    Think it already has...
