Thursday, May 18, 2017

Blind Item #10

Yo. Worst actress in the world. Those drugs aren't helping your current performance. Come to think of it though, it really couldn't get much worse so have at it.


  1. Tricia134:01 AM

    Cara Delevigne

  2. sandybrook4:02 AM


  3. Tricia134:02 AM

    Filming "Life in A Year" in Canada

  4. just sayin\'4:08 AM

    i get a kick out of how much enty hates her.

  5. texasrose4:34 AM

    If Cara then this is the first time enty has not described her as 'part time model' in the description. So she's just the worst actress in the world now?? (I'm not disagreeing just noting the shift.)

  6. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob5:12 AM

    Cara is at least part model, madonna and cher are at least part singers. I cannot imagine the worst actress in the world because the trifecta of shit actresses are partly something else.

  7. RenShaw5:25 AM

    Gorgeous face and bone structure. She needs to clean up her act, tame her carterpillars, and get back to modeling, not necessarily the runway thing. I get the feeling she was kicked out by tptb for drugs and unwelcome behavior with the other models. She thinks acting is her way out.

  8. Sarah6:01 AM

    I do not think Cara is worse than Emily Ratajkowski or even Kristen Stewart. But, I far prefer her as a model. She actually does that well. Why the modeling industry would have an issue with her behavior and drug use does not really make sense to me. Several models have been way worse (Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell come to mind), and Cara was definitely one of the more in-demand girls at one point.

  9. Hot Cola7:10 AM

    Emily RideAJetSki is heading down a LiLho path... iMO

  10. dianavonthirstybird7:25 AM

    Because I am oh so slow, it just dawned on me that 9 out of 10 blinds have to do with drugs. The drug dealers to the stars must be crazy ass rich! Amazing!

  11. Patrick7:40 AM

    It has been at least a year since she did any modeling that wasn't "celebrity modeling" as opposed to real modeling. I think she's done one or two shows that were mostly celebrity models, and a few long term ads. She is pretty much strictly acting at this point.

  12. Are you as idiotic and self involved as your posts make you appear? Please say it's a joke or you employed by this site. You are absurd and annoying in the worst sense of the way.

  13. Hortensia1:15 PM

    You leave our Diana alone, hear?

  14. Katie3:06 PM

    Enty genuine question for you. You call Cara whateverherlastnameis the worst actress in the world but have you seen Ruby Rose trying to act? Just saying.

  15. And you haven't seen amber heard acting skills might as well be her.

  16. It's Amber Heard and her bland face in the new picture of her as a some super hero character.

  17. Awwww...."Drive Angry" is one of my favorite films! :-(

  18. Random1013:03 AM

    Enty loves Amber, he wont say stuff like that about her :D

  19. longtimereader3:08 AM

    I like cara, how many out and proud women are there?

  20. Dutch3:17 AM

    Obviously Cara Delavigne. Thanks to her family money she has made it as a model and actress, otherwise her ugly looks would not have even made her a hand model.

  21. Enty didn't you say Temper Tot never had friends who use and yet her obnoxious look how rich I am insta party pictures from last Fourth of July are peppered with Cara, Ruby Rose and power lesbian #3 Gigi Hadid. All have been known to use. So,Enty, you played yourself .

  22. Mr. Enty, I know you like to think of Cara D. as the worst model-turned-actress on Earth, but I would like to nominate Cindy Crawford for that honor. Cara D. may be bad, but Cindy C. was just a gods awful embarrassing train wreck.
