Monday, April 03, 2017

Roman Polanski's Attempt To Settle Case Is Denied

A Los Angeles County judge has denied the latest effort by Roman Polanski to resolve his 40-year-old statutory rape case, saying that the filmmaker cannot be sentenced in absentia because he remains a fugitive from justice.

In a written decision handed down Monday, L.A. County Superior Court Judge Scott Gordon said that Polanski’s current motions are based on the same arguments previously presented and rejected by other judges. “No sufficient or compelling basis for reconsideration of these issues … has been presented,” he wrote in the 13-page decision.

Gordon wrote that Polanski’s fugitive status prevents him “from obtaining the relief he desires until he presents himself in the court’s jurisdiction.” The ruling is similar in substance to previous court decisions in which judges have said that Polanski, who fled the United States in 1978 and resides in France, must return to the country in order to pursue his requests.

But on Monday, Gordon agreed to a hearing later this month to consider a controversial piece of testimony that the filmmaker is seeking to unseal.

In recent court filings and at a court hearing in March, Polanski asked to be sentenced in absentia, arguing that he has already exceeded the custody time he was originally required to serve. He also noted that courts in Poland and Switzerland have turned down separate extradition requests by U.S. officials, citing procedural irregularities in the case.

Polanski has offered to return to the United States and appear in court if it agrees to sentence him first.


  1. At this point it is life in prison.

    (If he thinks this will afford him the necessary medical care he needs to stay alive at the state's expense, he's wrong. According to one of the attorney's I golf with, he said, the state usually only gives minimal care until the prisoner dies.)

    Oh, well. RIP, Roman.

  2. Joel Theriot12:07 AM

    Again, he gave drugs and alcohol to a teenager, stuck his penis inside that teenager's anus, and then ejaculated.

    He should be die a horrible long death. I don't care that he survived the Holocaust or that his wife and child were butchered by drug freaks. Those happenings didn't make him rape a child.

  3. Salaam12:33 AM

    Here's an idea - why don't you just come back and face the justice you've run from for the last four decades like anyone else who doesn't have your money or friends would have to do?

  4. RenShaw1:14 AM


  5. Ettacettera1:30 AM

    Nobody cares

  6. Scandi Sanskrit2:07 AM

    What's the point of 'revenge' when karma obviously exists, right? ♥

    Chill, people... It's real.

  7. Scandi Sanskrit2:08 AM

    I hate when former victims use their sob stories to justify behaving badly.

  8. GroovieMann2:30 AM

    Maybe a plea deal where he gets raped by a porno-sized cock and then he's free?

    Rape (esp of a child) is so heinous that I think it should be "an eye for an eye."

  9. Jennifer4:49 AM

    His arrogance is overwhelming.

  10. Boo hoo. He is an adult and he needs to face the music. In person.

  11. Hortensia11:44 AM

    He's arguing that he's already served 40? What, running around free in France? The arrogance is astounding.
