Thursday, April 13, 2017

Jennifer Garner Files For Divorce From Ben Affleck

After two years of waiting since they announced their split, Jennifer Garner finally filed for divorce with Ben Affleck filing his response at the same time. If you have been reading the site, it was pretty obvious they were not going to get back together. People thought she was going to give him an 83rd chance after he went to rehab, but naaah. Now, Ben is free to publicly squire his many co-stars and casino waitresses. You know who we haven't heard from is that nanny. Yeah, the one he was supposedly sleeping with. She was there for a week and then poof. You know why she went poof? No, it wasn't a fifteen minute thing. All of you know, you can drag thing out a lot longer if you work at it. I think someone wrote her a nice big fat check and also made her stop looking for publicity. I also think that person was not Ben, but someone who had a whole lot more to lose with that can of worms. That person's name rhymes with Mom Shady.


  1. MontanaMarriott11:36 PM

    LMAO Not Tom Brady?!?!
    Damnnnn this nanny must either be really hot or she got a bag full of sexual tricks for her to land not one but two celebrities.

  2. Yikes...

  3. Garner is a serial cheater herself she cheated on first husband Scott Foley with Michael Vartan. Next she cheated on Vartan with Ben Affleck. She is only famous by association she is not a big star. Do not have an ounce of sympathy for Garner she knew the kind of man Ben Affleck is. But she wanted the fame and money being married to an A list star.

  4. Mop top1:22 AM

    Haha. Mom Shady.

  5. sandybrook2:02 AM

    Mom shady.....Mom shady hmmmm....What rhymes with Gisele Bundchen?

  6. Tricia132:26 AM

    Money honey!

  7. RenShaw2:39 AM

    Finally they can move on. Is Mom Shady next.

  8. PinkEscada2:49 AM

    Well, there goes Jen's access to A+ list status. She will be relegated to the fringes now.

  9. Sadie3:48 AM

    Lest we forget, Affleck's career was in the toilet when she met him. Gigli?

  10. police dog4:25 AM

    tom brady and ben affleck both fucked that nanny on the plane, same plane she took a pic of all his superbowl rings on her fingers.

  11. police dog4:25 AM

    she always has her dumb religious movies

  12. dianavonthirstybird4:34 AM

    I imagine every gossip magazine and online site in the world is scrambling for that first photo of Ben with JLo!!! I am jealous of the photographer who snaps it! Boo Koo buckaroos. He/She will be set for life!

  13. Sea Borg4:58 AM

    What's always amazing is how many married dudes will cheat with someone below their wife's level of looks. I mean Gisele? Holy mother of god. I'm a straight girl but I'd still hit that. I think some men just crave variety. That's why I encourage my husband's love of porn. He can have the dream girls in his head.(tmi)

  14. Mz Kitty5:12 AM

    lmao right on Enty! spectacular tea. Ah to be a pap. That JLo payout would be worth the camera beatings alone.

  15. Mz Kitty5:14 AM

    lmao right on, Enty! spectacular tea. ah to be a pap. the payout alone for a JLo sighting would be worth the camera beatings.

  16. StarJones6:45 AM

    If anyone paid off the nanny it was Jen (using Ben's money). The nanny's constant presence in the tabloids was hugely embarrassing for her. That Lexus didn't come out of nowhere (we know now that Jen pays for her nannies to Uber to and from work). The woman was staying at the same hotel where Ben has his bungalow. All signs point to the woman being paid off by Jen and Ben. It must have been some big check too because she hasn't been seen or heard from since.

  17. Guesser8:32 AM

    No, Brady needs to maintain his clean-cut reputation,he has to get indorsement money. Ben already trashed his,so his money depends more on how his movies do. Police dog is right,she was photographer with the rings on,I'm sure he got an earful from Giselle.

  18. TMZ had a picture of the nanny wearing Tom Brady four super bowl rings last year. They were on a private plane and I bet she banged both Ben and Tom at the same time that day.

  19. Hortensia11:25 AM

    Remember the wife of Robert Blake? She was no looker, and had all kinds of celebrities on the line.

  20. I know for a fact I'm not alone in thinking that Gisele is not an attractive woman. She's got Man Face. And looks have relatively little to do with why men cheat, actually.

  21. Hot Cola2:39 PM

    Kissel bunchChickens?
