Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #6

November 27, 2013

This former A list mostly television actress who has been linked with some big names in her dating and marriage life is supposedly sober. When out with friends this past weekend though they ordered drinks and then poured them into her water glass. You never saw someone drinking so much water.

Heather Locklear (Look how her friends enabled her even a couple of years ago. Is it any wonder she keeps relapsing)


  1. sandybrook4:50 AM

    So I read this reveal out of left field and immediately went to Google to see if she died today or went into rehab againšŸ˜£

  2. Theresa5:12 AM

    Sad just sad.

  3. Melissa10:39 AM

    Sad and pathetic.
    She is a grown ass woman and at some point in time we all have to own up to our shit.
    Being a drugged up, drunken 50 year old is just pathetic, especially when you have both time and money to NOT be that.

  4. Scandi Sanskrit10:49 AM

    How does that quote about "the company you keep" go again? I forget.

  5. Addiction and alcoholism is a long and enduring illness, both mental and physical. Not pathetic, sad she doesn't have good support or people who care more about her wellbeing than their own good time. And it is progressive, it's not a matter of 'owning up,' most likely she already hates and castigates herself as it is. If self-hatred, money or time was a cure for addiction, there'd be a lot less suffering in the world.
