Friday, April 07, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 4, 2016

This Arrow actress no one likes was at a Fashion Week party and started talking about this guy she hooked up with a few times. It is the now ex of this former tweener. No big deal. They have been done for awhile. The thing is though, our actress should have stopped talking when she realized the former tweener was present. Nope. Kept talking and lets just say there are some timeline issues on a couple of times they hooked up.

Katie Cassidy/Hilary Duff


  1. sandybrook3:33 AM

    Hilary can probably kick her ass if she gave a crap.

  2. JustReading3:36 AM

    If you're really done with someone, you don't care about past timelines. Assuming you're over 14 years old.

  3. JustReading3:50 AM

    For instance, someone who reads here has taken a strong dislike to me and Minus 1s everything I say. Meaningless.

  4. Sarita7:36 AM

    No one likes Kateie Cassidy or just Enty!
    I like her

  5. Hilary knows she married a man-whore.

  6. I think he was talking about the cast and crew. No one in the cast/crew like her.

  7. I'll give you plus votes to try to counteract the asshole lol

  8. LiveYourLife11:13 AM

    Interestingly enough, this blind and the exact same wording shows up about a year ago on Did they pluck this from CDAN? Visa versa? Looks like they revealed this a year ago, too.

  9. JustReplying4:20 AM

    depends. if you ended things on good terms but then later found out they had been cheating on you, that's pretty fucked up
