Friday, April 21, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 20, 2016

I didn’t think it was possible for this A+ list mostly movie actress to dislike working with someone more than when she made the movie with the really tall A list mostly movie actor. Turns out I was wrong. Right now, our A+ lister is working with a former A+ list actress turned A- list and is hating every second of it because the A- list actress is trying to rewrite scenes for her own benefit and trash talking the A+ lister to anyone who will listen.

Reese Witherspoon/Vince Vaughn/Nicole Kidman (Big Little Lies - just two weeks into filming)


  1. sandybrook3:41 AM

    Yet Reesie and Nicole are the ones pushing to have another year of Big Little Lies and nobody, including Liane
    moriarty, wants it.

  2. Now I have read the opposite, that they loved working together. Also heard RW was upset because NK was promoting Lion and not big little lies at all. Loved BLL. No idea where truth is, one day I read NK is very sweet, another day she is a cold b****. And a bad mom. Anyone know the REAL truth?

  3. I loved BLL. but it was PERFECT as it was. Would definitely watch if it was continued tho. Casting was absolutely perfect too.

  4. sandybrook3:58 AM

    It was well written and a good show with a shocking end. Every time I saw these 2 together they seemed to enjoy being with each other

  5. Jessica4:06 AM

    Nicole will probably get awards for Big Little Lies, think that's the real issue here.

  6. Melissa4:42 AM

    These women all seem so fucking awful.
    Regardless of what is true or not, let's all remember the phrase 'where there is smoke there is fire'.
    I think they are all insecure, narcissistic head cases. None come off as genuine or likeable.

  7. Guesser6:13 AM

    Maybe the success of the show made them make up. Reese still hates Vince Vaughn though. Reese and Nicole are a lot alike in many ways.

  8. Jennifer7:15 AM

    Don't you know who I am!!!!!

  9. As I understand it, they actually get along fine IRL and the gossip is really just all about publicity for the show.

  10. Scandi Sanskrit11:02 AM

    Like not promoting it because of a schedule clash, or not promoting it because she won't?

    Because when actresses "refuse" to promote a film, it's usually something big (it's not only a 'courtesy' thing, I see it as a job obligation—so, when an actress cuts all ties and won't have anything to do with a film she was in, methinks something big and bad happened).

  11. Vince Vaughn is A list? Is it 2004 again?
