Saturday, April 08, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 10, 2016

This upcoming movie was supposed to be released this year. It stars three Academy Award winners. The movie is awful. The cast and the director were more interested in seeing how many women they could have sex with everyday rather than making a good movie. It is awful.

Going In Style (and now a little over a year after it should have been released, it finally was)


  1. sandybrook3:15 AM

    Another remake that didn't need to be redone. It got 2 12 stars in the review I read yesterday.

  2. sandybrook3:15 AM

    2 and a half stars 😣

  3. If this bombs, I predict this be Zach Braff's last time directing?

  4. Jessica4:40 AM

    Zach will just go back to go fund me for his movies

  5. SmellyBum9:45 AM

    The cast?! They're aged 79, 82 and 84. Seriously?!

  6. Horny Old Goats

  7. dianavonthirstybird12:54 PM

    Speaking of dreadful films, has anyone seen ELLE, the French film with Isabel Huppert? Unwatchable. What is wrong with the film industry these days? Are the audiences growing up at last?

  8. Scandi Sanskrit2:07 PM

    That's just sort of what happens when people cast actors/actresses for all the wrong reasons (like when you produce an actor-based film as opposed to a film based on ideas). They backfire. Been there, done that.

  9. They must of had bowls of Viagra at the kraft table. Oh, I don't even want to think about this anymore.

  10. Do Tell6:31 PM

    Yeah, well, this is why they tell you don't mess with the classics. (Classic or not, the original really was a good movie.)

  11. Ipoopalot9:09 PM

    My favorite movie from last year! Daring, cutting edge, filmmaking.

  12. RenShaw6:54 AM

    Movies like this are nothing more than the annual income generator for the actors. This is not about you being entertained, but about them getting a paycheck with their straight to the bin films. It's a problem. Just write them a check.

  13. Particularly impressive, considering the ages of the actors. But apparently the movie's not half-bad, Enty, and it even opened at about 50% above expectations. Guess they were able to salvage the movie after all.

  14. Huh. I rather liked it. I thought it very adroitly walked the line between glamorizing crime and demonizing it.
