Saturday, April 29, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 18, 2017

For the first six months this B- list mostly television actress from a hit network show started auditioning for roles, she used her mother’s last name to try and get work. She got absolutely nowhere. So much for making it on her own. The second she started using the last name of her foreign born permanent A+ list performer she landed a job and has never looked back.

Anna Baryshnikov


  1. CobraDemander2:16 AM


  2. just sayin\'2:16 AM

    what more competitive business is there? better to use your name than the casting couch. she'll only get more roles if she's talented and well-received, so it's not like she's hurting anyone. that name gives instant charisma, so i say lucky girl, go for it!
    (on the subject, i never though i'd think that rumer willis is genuinely talented, but wow!)

  3. French girl2:43 AM

    Who ???

  4. texasrose4:33 AM

    You have to use every advantage you can find in most businesses esp hollywood. The odds are huge against you. I would rather have to deal with snark about not having made it on my own than to having virtually no chance of ever making it.

  5. texasrose4:39 AM

    Oh come on. As soon as you saw the last name you had an idea of WHO?? she probably was.

  6. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob5:02 AM

    "she used her mother’s last name" is a clear red herring. Who gives an f word about who her mother is/was? The really important person here is her father, until this BI subject does something remarkable.

  7. RenShaw5:35 AM

    Considering that people like Amy Schumer are getting projects based on the last name, I give Anna positive marks for wanting to use her mom's name and avoid the nepotism BS. I haven't seen her works but If she can act she will have a chance.

  8. Her mother isn't a nobody, she's Lisa Rinehart, former pro ballerina, and according to Wikipedia, also a writer/director and video journalist.

  9. Amy has said she. Arely knows her second cousin, Chuck Shumer. She said people always think it's her dad but she rarely sees or talks to him.

  10. Scandi Sanskrit11:43 AM

    I'd rather use my last name than do casting couch (or getting in bed with anyone who can further my career) too. Just the thought of it gives me the heebie-jeebies...

  11. Scandi Sanskrit11:43 AM

    Can't stand Scummer.

  12. Hortensia12:08 PM

    The mother is Jessica Lang.

  13. Do Tell2:13 PM

    LOL people saying "who?" like they've forgotten Google is on the same internet as CDAN.

  14. Candy1:10 AM

    Wow. Millenials don't know who Mikhail Baryshnikov is. When I was a young one, I used to think all men's packages would look like his.

    When a child says 'I don't believe in fairies' a fairy drops dead somewhere and another celebuspawn gets his/her wings. Blech. I so hate any system that relies so much on pedigree as opposed to ability.

  15. Bookjacket8:27 AM

    Yes, the blind says that her mother's name is not well-known to casting agents, but her father's is. So she used her mother's That's what " making it on her own" means.



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