Sunday, April 09, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 18, 2016

Well, if she went to rehab for drugs, then it certainly did not do the job. This B+ list mostly television actress from a hit network show was doing lines of coke the other night. It has not been that long since she got out of rehab.

Hayden Panettiere (and two months later she checked back in)


  1. Sunspirit2:51 AM

    She needs to wise up and stop blaming it on PPD. While she was in rehab she must of had something done to her face.

  2. A perk of age is that there no expectations that I need to drink or do drugs. And the large distance gave the chance to star anew.

  3. sandybrook3:10 AM

    She had post-partum depression. Then went to rehab then got knocked up again and gave birth and went back to filming Nashville and getting torn to shreds by the Enterns here.

  4. Melissa5:57 AM

    She has always been on drugs.
    Why do people act so shocked when drug addicts keep on doing drugs?
    As if having kids would stop a coke head from sniffing coke?

  5. You make it sound like PPD and being picked on are her whole problem. No, HP's a drug addict, and she knows she should probably get clean but the thing is, she really doesn't want to.

  6. Dumblesnore4:16 PM

    Wasn't there talk of her dad or some family member diddling her and her parents pimping her out? I'd do coke too if a fourth if what I've read about her life is true.
