Sunday, April 02, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #10 (Yesterday)

March 3, 2017

This former vampire is slowly being replaced as the face of this designer by the celebrity offspring of an A list mostly movie actor who might get A+ list back if the latest installment of his franchise does well. As a result of this replacement, our actress trash talks the offspring all the time and is really burning some bridges.

Kristen Stewart/Lily Rose Depp/Chanel


  1. Sadie3:24 AM

    Lily Depp is realliy not very attractive. She's also tiny with an out-of-proportion enormous head. Her attractiveness is strictly linked to being so young, she won't age as well as her better looking mother (who hasn't, in fact, aged well at all).

  2. kstew is the new face of chanel bags?? lol

  3. On the contrary, I find her very interesting and pretty. That whole eye of the beholder thing.

  4. ETA: Kstew is nothing to look at, at all. Chanel, like every other brand, does marketing research and for some reason think that Kristen will increase sales.

  5. Jessica5:52 AM

    hahaha, the very few fans stew has left can't afford Chanel if they saved everything their entire lives.
    Lilly is at least the daughter of a french model/actress and an american movie star, she makes a better choice

  6. FairyDogMother6:47 AM

    Agreed. Good health has a lot to do with aging well.

  7. FairyDogMother6:52 AM

    (agree with Sadie)

  8. FairyDogMother6:57 AM

    It really bothers me that Chanel promotes a young lady that obviously has various addictions or disorders that contribute to an unhealthy weight. It is known that her mother has suffered from long term eating disorders. Chame on Chanel.

  9. Dannette9:03 AM

    I like lily rose and I really like her talented father because I sense they are generally decent. I don't give a rats ass about any of their addictions or illnesses and am only interested in his excellent performance or her beautiful picture.

    It's interesting to me that someone would try to heap shame on chanel because they hire someone with a mental illness. Not that it rings true mind you, among kstew stans and shills.

  10. Sd auntie9:34 AM

    Well i guess you like wife beaters and murder for hire scum. Or are u Lily?

  11. Bobbi Newhart11:13 AM

    LMAO, you think the fashion industry cares about ethics?

  12. Is that you Amber or one of your pack of grifters? Amber is also jealous of Lily. There was NO ACTUAL PROOF of any wife beating or murder for hire. The business partner owed money to the mob. The golddigger never filed a report with police, who reported no evidence of abuse - they saw her face! The next day she attends a party: no bruises, but does send Depp an extortionistic letter demanding money, support, cars, jewelry, homes etc. She said the abuse was throughout the 5-yr relationship yet she married him? Sure. She ran a smear campaign against him in media, complete with videos she admitted were fake, but screamed and cried 3 times against giving her depo in court. She settled for less than 2% of his net worth. Lying loser.

  13. Dumblesnore12:35 PM

    Lilly has a lollipop looking head, kstew is bland. Chanel needs an image and leadership change all the way around. Their shit, especially the fugly purses, seem to be favored my mcmansion living suburbian living middle aged moms who shop at outlet malls and drive 2010 Escalades.

  14. Sd auntie3:34 PM

    Candy must be the paid publicist for the Disney/Depp bomb that's coming up. Good luck with that hot mess.

  15. Scandi Sanskrit4:07 PM

    The fans themselves may not be able to afford Chanel, but their family members might. I talked my parents out of buying a Jaguar once because, at one point, I didn't like Jaguar USA's marketing style (involving the paps, very trashy). Do I personally have enough saved up to afford a Jag? Nope (especially not now that I'm chronically ill and can't work full-time anymore—hell, I use my parents' credit card to pay for my medication). Do people close to me listen to me and value my opinion? Yip.

    Maybe now broke little fangirl will ask for an Hermes scarf instead of flap bag for their birthday. How about that. I theorise that for every couple of sales a company earns from using a particular spokesperson, they will also lose some. It's a given. You can't please everyone.

    It's up to the company to determine which amount or [type of] customers they want to please and keep (even if the conspicuous crowd earns them more profits, maybe they'll prefer to keep the understated-but-cheap ones—because, in the long-run, what they do now will be their brand's legacy; and in the bigger picture: consumers are brand ambassadors in itself). They have to make a choice, they can't have their cake and eat it too. You don't get to have it all in this life, it's greedy.

    Don't like the people they work with? Then don't give them money/attention. Leave. Simple. Shrugs.

  16. Scandi Sanskrit4:21 PM

    Good question. And it's not just high-fashion, either (I really wanted to start selling my drawings as shirts, but withdrew from the print-on-demand site because I wasn't sure about the working conditions of the people in the factories—I think I'll just go sell printable stickers at Etsy or something, if I have the energy).

    I used to be able to justify buying fast fashion brands as a student (it was cheap) and I had no idea about the sweatshops. Now I won't buy from H&M and Zara anymore—even though I think they've probably improved the welfare of their workers in developing countries since that high-profile Bangladesh incident (although I do still wear the old stuff I bought like 10 years ago, I just haven't buy anything new recently) and I also wore my Zara coat for my "Pink Sherlock" Halloween costume and took photos but I did not try to tag/promote Zara.

  17. Bobbi Newhart8:07 PM

    Candy is beaten by her coke-bloated husband.

  18. Well, aren't you special!

  19. SnarkIsFun2:13 AM

    What's wrong, Enty - can't comprehend the fact that two female representatives of a brand can co-exist peacefully? The campaign for Chanel's new "Gabrielle" bag was released today, starring none other than Kristen Stewart. Lily-Rose appears to similarly be doing well. Can't we just accept two women doing well without inventing tension between them? Speaks more to your own misogyny than to either of these ladies.

  20. exactly, Chanel needs someone healthy & w/o any eating disorders: Chrissy Metz is perfect & w/ a trendy body shape...

  21. Lily is not pretty, she is just another nepotism kid. Without her parents she would be another average girl. Kristen on the other hand is pretty, but she was a bad fit for Chanel. She never does anything to highlight her features, she has a nice figure but she always hides it. Check out her skit on SNL when she is impersonating Giselle Bundchen and just wow.

  22. TLDR, man. Find a friend or something.



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