Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Blind Item #9

All the answers this week to the blind items are people who have never previously been an answer to a blind in the past decade.

This A/A- list mostly television actor  is part of a movie franchise and also is the lead in a fairly hit network show. He and his girlfriend are known as two people you do not want to invite to a party together. Once they start boozing or doing something more, the arguments and fireworks begin and everyone around them fears the couple is going to destroy each other with words or violence or both. As a consequence, they are rarely invited anywhere together more than once.


  1. sandybrook3:52 AM

    Tom Hardy?

  2. sandybrook3:54 AM

    Forgot the stip-- he's been in many blinds?

  3. MontanaMarriott3:58 AM

    Ray Stevenson?

  4. Tricia134:15 AM

    Shawn Ashmore-Conviction/The Avengers

  5. Hothotheat4:16 AM

    I like this guess, but I think he's been a blind before. He does seem like he'd be a beligerent drunk.

  6. Not Ashmore because Conviction isn't a hit at all. It didn't get the back nine episode pickup and it's basically cancelled. And not Tom Hardy (blind item history aside) because he's on a cable show, not network.

  7. dianavonthirstybird7:32 AM

    His equally famous British actress wife, Charlotte, would never stand for this kind of behavior at a party. Neither would their friends. Believe me, if this had ever happened every tabloid in the UK and beyond would have front page photos. They seem to live a quiet family life. But yes, he IS a beligerent drunk. Famous for that. My favorite actor.
