Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Blind Item #7

He's back. Our now skinny A- list comic movie actor is working on a major coke bender the past few days. Just a couple of hours sleep each night and back to his old disrespectful to women ways too.


  1. Montana Marriott1:31 AM

    Jonah Hill

  2. MontanaMarriott1:34 AM

    And can I just say how much "I LOOOOOOATHE THIS NEW SITE FORMAT" It reminds me of how painstakingly cumbersome buying tickets on ticketmaster is now

  3. sandybrook2:24 AM

    It is a pain,especially typing codes every comment, but it brightens up the page a bit.

  4. JustReading2:28 AM

    I've been managing on a couple hours of sleep almost every day since 01.20 - without coke.
    Please send coke.

  5. Whateva2:44 AM

    Jonah Hill was indulged as a kid growing up, whose father (Rich Feldstein) and his partners knew/knows literally EVERYONE in Hollywood...his career is pure nepotism. What a little (big fat) sh*t

  6. Tricia132:53 AM

    I think I called it went the site went down last week- probably restructuring.Enty said he hesitated because there would be lost archives(which there are as you can see from reveals today)

  7. Frosty2:58 AM

    Hi KnoOneYouKno

  8. sandybrook2:59 AM

    Saturday there was no posts so that's probably when all this was set up.

  9. RenShaw5:37 AM

    I'm curious. How did he lose the weight. I hope he's not using yayo to keep it off.

  10. Hortensia11:10 AM

    This site could be improved a little with the lastest comments going last, and the first comments going first.

  11. Hot Cola12:31 PM

    No wonder his disrespectful to woman. H could never get any. Without paying. Have you seen how he looks?

  12. Fly On The Wall12:48 PM

    Are you all getting crappy pop-ups for prize spins interspersed in the pages? I worry because they are redirected from a site called "sauron" which I think was the evil thingie in LOTR..: maybe some kind of malware? Are we all doomed for reading gossip? ?

  13. rtsew729:08 AM

    There is an ad-blocking app that is very good. Just do a google search and find one for whatever device you use. Also, there are malware apps that can check to see if you are infected. I don't want to name them because I'm pretty sure cdan uses the ads for revenue and the Entys probably wouldn't appreciate me giving free ad time to them.
    I rarely, if ever, have trouble with cdan.

  14. rtsew729:10 AM

    There is a sort button along the top where the comments start. It lets you order the comments the way you want.
