Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Blind Item #4

Not happy about the costume that was given to her and making it plain to the director was this former A list tweener actress and singer who has finally landed a decent cable show after years of misses.


  1. Tricia1312:33 AM

    Hillary Duff

  2. Cate Chandler1:12 AM

    Yes! Younger just began filming!

  3. Hmmm?
    Why does this make me think: Beggars can't be choosers?

  4. Scandi Sanskrit2:01 AM

    The fuck is wrong with these actors moaning about how their characters look? It's your character wearing the fugly clothes and messed up hair/makeup, not you.

    I thought that was the whole point of getting all dressed-up at premieres: So you don't have to feel so terrible about looking at your big face on a big screen looking like shit. And to show people you're capable of looking great (unlike your character).

  5. tara172:04 AM

    If this is Hillary Duff, can't say I blame her. I wondered several times who was dressing her in Younger's last season and if they disliked her. Some of her outfits were downright odd and/or wrong for her shape and size.
