Sunday, April 09, 2017

Blind Item #3

The celebrity/actress/offspring wife of this actor/celebrity/multi-tasker thinks his sexual assaults of women are a big lie. She thinks the women gave themselves to her husband and then later decided to try and make money and hurt him. She mentions the hundred other women who never have said anything.


  1. The Troublemaker3:25 AM

    Danny Masterson / Bijou Phillips

  2. Meg00m3:25 AM

    Bijou danny

  3. Do Tell3:57 AM

    Bijou Phillips has never come across as a rocket scientist. But I didn't think she was desperate, either.

  4. Jennifer4:58 AM

    Bijou still doesn't believe McKenzie so it makes sense she would bury her head in the sand about Danny too.

  5. MelServer12:42 PM

    I think she will stand by him as long as scientology stands by him.I feel bad for the victims,I'm sure scio is messing with them hard.I wonder if it all will just magically go away.
