Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Blind Item #3

All the answers this week to the blind items are people who have never previously been an answer to a blind in the past decade.

This B list mostly television actress seemingly goes from one hit network crime drama to the next. She recently was starring on a hit network show but was fired because she wouldn't sleep with one of the producers. They had been sleeping together, but when she got divorced, she stopped. The producer wanted to keep going. Our actress said no and she was gone.


  1. Tricia1312:05 AM

    Parminder Nagra?

  2. she divorced in 2013. What does enty consider recent?

  3. These are hard.
    Since they've never been blinds before, means they are NOT that famous so must of us have probably never heard of them -- or they're character actors that appear on various shows.
    Good Job, Enty!
    You've made this interesting but frustrating at the same time.

  4. Tricia1312:28 AM

    Not sure cebii? Probably someone on the last year (who got fired?)Di Archie Punjabi divorce? She's been in blinds though...

  5. The name we need to know is the name of the assface producer.

  6. just sayin\'1:05 AM


  7. police dog4:30 AM


    enty, I dont get why you protect people like this. you're just as bad as them by not naming them.

    It's like endorsing the behavior because you're protecting/withholding the name of the perv

  8. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob4:48 AM

    This chick has odd morals, she only f words producers when she can hurt her husband cheating, when she does not damage anyone she stops.

  9. A nun7:06 AM

    Because he would have to provide receipts or be sued for libel. It's hearsay. Just gossip. Says so at the bottom of the page.

  10. Candy Crowleys Food Coach10:16 AM

    Why isn't the producer named and shamed? Perhaps he might lose his job.

  11. Hot Cola10:22 AM

    Well than, when he reveleas, he should name the producer too.
