Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Blind Item #2

All the answers this week to the blind items are people who have never previously been an answer to a blind in the past decade.

The least well known main cast member of this candy bar sounding almost television network's biggest hit cheated on her now husband to land her part. She is not the casting couch type but her now husband wanted her to focus on babies and not acting.


  1. Tricia1311:49 PM

    Me Lora Hardin/Transparent?
    Does Hulu sound like candy?

  2. gabbidiamond11:53 PM

    it's something on crackle but what

  3. Joel Theriot11:54 PM

    I'm going with Ashley Hinshaw who's on the Crackle network. StartUp is the show.

  4. AndrewBW12:24 AM

    Crackle is an "almost television network" in the same sense that I'm "almost" ten feet tall.

  5. Tricia1312:29 AM

    Thx !

  6. tara1712:45 AM

    Could it be that the TV show sounds like a candy bar, not the network?

  7. Guesser12:49 AM

    A blind about the least known cast member of an almost network nobody heard of.

  8. just sayin\'1:12 AM

    only another entertainment biz insider like enty could guess someone this obscure, imho. commoners have so little frame of reference with which to identify her.

  9. Meg00m3:55 AM

    Transparent is on Amazon

  10. police dog4:31 AM

    wtf is crackle

  11. A nun7:13 AM

    Crackle has quite a few good actors in StartUp. I haven't gotton around to watching it yet, but it's on my list. It's got Martin Freeman, Ron Perlman, and Adam Brody. Looks like it could be good.

  12. Hot Cola10:25 AM

    Why doesn't she tell him to mind his own business? And if he wanted a Baby making MaMa he should've choose one from the beginning. Not change her after the fact.
