Saturday, April 29, 2017

Blind Item #1

Things may look great for this former A+ list boy bander from a foreign land. However, they are not so great. Yes, for any of us they would be great but his sales have not met expectations and he is hitting the bottle hard and making his drugs a little harder too.


  1. nursermk2:35 AM

    Harry S would be my guess, though check the charts to gauge his "arts" (sorry, feeling poetic this AM)

  2. sandybrook2:36 AM

    Harry Styles

  3. Guest2:52 AM

    Harry Styles. Must be cause the sales for his first single couldn't manage to beat Zayn's.

  4. dianavonthirstybird3:12 AM

    Cue the violins!

  5. police dog4:29 AM

    maybe he should change the conversation and come out.

    say fuck it, and be surprised with the crazy flood of positive publicity.

  6. Sd auntie4:52 AM

    I think his fans know that something is up with him. Have not heard his music so I really cannot Judge. Coming out would be the best but the other banders woukd hit the roof.

  7. Cookies5:31 AM

    Harry has just announced a tour, doing heaps of promo and has been so careful about the way he's constructed his career for this to be him. Things are only getting started. I think it's Zayn. His current single is not doing well and Partynexydoor has deleted all traces of him from social media apparently.

  8. SlightlyBias6:04 AM

    Not Harry Styles. He's just getting started and regardless of what the tabloids say, he's crushing it. His promo is rolling out fabulously. He's not a big drinker, nor does he do drugs. Very much in to fitness and eating healthy.

  9. his song is trash of course he won't sell lmao just make pop music harry

  10. Why's everyone saying zayn? There's a reason Enty has mentioned A-lister. Zayn ain't an A-lister. It's Harry Styles.

  11. It's Harry Styles. His first single isn't even close to beating the debut of Zayn's first single. I haven't even heard Harry's song on the radio. Harry is a Brit and they do drink a lot more than Americans, so I'm not surprised. Also, I have about him trying harder drugs before, but he hides at times, so it's less obvious than Zayn.

  12. Entry said A+ lister. Zayn could be if not for his anxiety, and canceling concerts. Harry has some of the biggest promoters in Hollywood behind him, so his debut was disappointing considering all the undeserved hype about Harry. They are trying to turn him into another Bowie or Jagger. He doesn't even close to either. All those stories fed to tabloids about his great acting skills was obvious and hilarious. Dude, Harry was an extra.

  13. With the way they were promoting him and hyping him up for no reason, I actually thought he might do well. But looking at the way his song is doing on the charts now, it's actually embarassing for him and his entire team that even with all that promo, even with all that undeserving hype, he still couldn't manage to do well. And please can his team stop comparing him to musical legends. It's highly annoying. They are legends for a reason. What exactly has Harry done to earn that status? Nothing.

  14. SnarkIsFun2:14 AM

    Sadly, I find that the only reason I even attempt to remain aware of the dime-a-dozen boybanders and flavor-of-the-month girl popstars is so that I have a clue who they are when my kids start to become interested.

  15. anonymous11:57 AM

    It's Harry Styles. His single under-performed. First week sales were half of what Zayn's sales. His team made a mistake over-hyping him. I'm sure there will be a 1D reunion if his solo career continues on this path.

  16. longtimereader2:59 AM

    Anyone wanna bet swift is laughing her ass off right about now...

  17. Jiffy1:58 PM

    Zayn sold ONE song well, more than a year ago. Since then everything has been a disaster - cancelled concerts, failed singles, and most recently a failure to turn up at the Met Ball. I just can't with these Zayn stans.

  18. Jiffy2:00 PM

    OMG, the Zayn stans again. Your man is a disaster, and Harry has only been out of the gate for two or three weeks. Give it a rest. BTW, loved Zayn's outfit at the Met Ball - not.

  19. Jiffy2:05 PM

    Styles' song wasn't designed to chart so much as to separate him from his 1D sound, and it sounds different to anything on the radio at the moment, so it's not a big surprise to me that it didn't sell all that well. 40 and up people seem to like it, but they don't really
    buy music. (Does anyone buy music anymore?) Anyway, he's going out on the road now and will certainly sell out there.

    Zayn, on the other hand, failed to promote his latest single (which I liked) and it tanked.
    He also failed to show up for the Met Ball on Monday. This blind is about him. He has no place to go but down, which is too bad, because I don't think he's a bad guy.



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